How to prevent and treat intestinal parasites naturally

By | July 11, 2017

What is a parasite?

A parasite is an organism that lives and livestock temporarily or permanently due to another body, often causing obvious disorders for his host. Parasitism is a way of life that being used, in part or whole, the average need of his life, another being.
Diseases are caused by the presence of one or more parasites in the body. The most common parasites are: giardiasis or lambliasis, ascaridiasis and oxiuriasis.


Giardia is a parasite of the small intestine and bile ducts. Once entered the human gut, Giardia parasite multiplies rapidly, peaking at densities of 1 million parasites / cm 2 of intestinal mucosa. This can occur malabsorption (poor absorption of nutrients), because whole sections of the surface cannot properly achieve the intestinal absorption of nutrients. Contamination with Giardia cysts is achieved by eating contaminated and unwashed fruits and vegetables, ingestion of contaminated food, dirty hands, contaminated water, etc..
In case of Giardia can occur following symptoms: diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, headache, bloating, loss of appetite, skin manifestations (pruritus). If the Giardia parasite enters the extra and intra hepatic bile ducts, hepatobiliary lambliasis occurs with role in the onset of gallbladder problems, biliary dyskinesia, enteritis and colitis. Lamblia trigger symptoms such as bloating, fatigue, dizziness, weight loss. It also can lead to hepatomegaly with altered liver function tests.

Ascaridiasis (roundworms)

Ascaridiasis is caused by the parasite Ascaris lumbricoides. The eggs of roundworms are swallowed with contaminated food (fruit or vegetables unwashed) or get infested with water in the intestine, where, under the influence of intestinal juice, lose their shells, releasing the larvae. Infection is widespread in areas with faulty hygiene, like tropical and subtropical areas.

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Ascaridiasis is known by a number of clinical disorders characteristic of two stages: the larva and adult. In the first phase, when occurs the transition of larvae through the lungs, we face a real ascaridian pneumonia. In phase two, intestinal phase, will occur: abdominal pain accompanied by nausea, bloating, appetite changes, transit disorders, headache, dizziness, pruritus or anemia. This parasite in the bile ducts is the cause of obstructive jaundice.

Pinworm (Oxiuriasis)

Pinworm is a parasitic disease caused by infestation of the colon with a worm, Enterobius vermicularis, known commonly referred to pinworms. Pinworm is a small parasite spread wide around the globe, affecting mainly children in the age group of 5-9 years, but not only. It is estimated that over 200 million people are infected. Pinworm infection occurs in groups (generally in families), occurs in all socio-economic classes and is not necessarily correlated with poor hygiene.

Pinworms live in the cecum and migrate, especially at night, to the anus, where lay eggs. Migration is usually at night and is characterized by anal itching. It is introduced into the body through dirty hands. It is accompanied by itching, insomnia, hives (the toxins), amenorrhea, parasitic appendicitis, severe depression and intestinal occlusion.

Types of intestinal parasites listed above, are found throughout the world, with a higher frequency in children collectivities. Whatever type of parasite, its presence in the body negatively affects physical and mental development of those infected. Children’s body being found in full growth, has higher energy needs, and may be more affected due to infection with various parasites. Thus, there may be disturbances of digestion and absorption, inhibition of enzyme activity, changes in intestinal mucosa, all followed by delays in growth and development of children. Also do not forget the parasites and toxins can cause neuro-psychiatric disorders, impaired memory, attention or concentration.

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In conclusion, intestinal parasites have negative influences in the whole system. Parasites should not be neglected and left untreated or treated with medication but excessive or inappropriate. Using natural treatments for treating parasites would be recommended, especially as there is a range of natural products effective in treating parasites.

Destruction and elimination of parasites from the body

– Para Protex contains biologically active substances of great benefit to the body fight parasites, fungi and intestinal worms. It acts by nature of its composition it fights bacteria, protects against pathogens and is useful in the intestines problems.

– Garlic Caps is a garlic extract that kills all parasites and also detoxifies the body, accelerates epithelization (healing wounds) in the digestive mucosa and organs damaged. Garlic Caps is useful in some pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, and helps in lungs regeneration after ascaridian pneumonia.

– Meal Time contains digestive enzymes which, together with garlic extract (Garlic Caps), kill Giardia cysts and fungi. Meanwhile Meal time is a good disinfectant, tones the immune system, contribute to the smooth functioning of the digestive system, protect the liver, and eliminate waste substances.

– Oregano Oil has natural antibiotic effect with antifungal, antimicrobial and antiparasitic properties, which provides protection against bacteria such as Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae. It also has a strong release effect for Giardia parasites.

Stefania write blog articles for RetetaNaturista where you can find more details about Parazitoza Intestinala and natural products from Calivita that can help you with this problem.