How to Make a Pre-Packaged Diet a Part of a Long Range Diet Plan

By | November 25, 2016

Many people think of a pre-packaged diet as a diet plan that they will go on for a few months and never have to think of again. They see it as a magic pill that they will take to cure their overweight rapidly. With that kind of attitude, the weight often comes back just as quickly. There are ways, though, to make these diets a part of a life-long eating plan.

The first step is to do the Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig diet or shake diet like Slim-fast the way it was intended. Not everyone who uses the plan fully understands and follows the system. To be sure you understand completely, it is wise to talk to one of the company’s counselors online or on the phone before beginning.

One of the main things to remember is to eat your daily portions of food spaced throughout the day. The other important fact is that you should add in all the extra food required. This includes all the food you buy at the grocery store, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, milk, and yogurt. This lays the groundwork for shopping you will do later on.

As you go along on the weight loss part of the Nutrasystem or Jenny Craig diet, you need to be aware of the foods that you are eating. Read the labels and the literature about the meals you have chosen. Slim-fast offers no chance to learn about the meals you will have in the future, except that they explain the type of main meal to have.

Some of the pre-packaged foods have special ingredients, such as Omega-3 oils and fiber. Pay attention to the amounts of food you eat and the kinds of outside foods you are asked to bring in to supplement the entrees or shakes.

When you have lost to your goal weight, give yourself a cheer. You have accomplished a great deal. However, it is not a good idea to go off the Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, or Slim-fast diet and back to eating the way you did before. Take what you have learned and apply it to your new, thinner life.

You can start by staying on a couple of days of the diet meals a week, just to keep you in the right frame of mind. Whenever you begin to eat too much, one of those two days will come along and snap you back into the reality of what you should be consuming.

At the same time, you will be getting used to buying those entrees and side dishes from the store. You will probably find that you need much less meat and a lot less starches than you ever did before. Be careful that you imitate the Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig diet to make the best choices. If you have been on Slim-fast, eat the types of foods you have had at your main meal.

Once you are accustomed to eating responsibly, you can stop doing the pre-packaged Nutrasystem or Jenny Craig meals altogether. Sometime later, you might find yourself backsliding. To get back to your goal weight before you gain too much, you can order or purchase some more of the meals or Slim-fast shakes. This will set you back on track with your eating habits.

The process may take constant vigilance for awhile until the new way of eating is set firmly in your mind. In the end, there is no reason to go on a prepackaged diet if you are not going to make it a lifelong change. With the right methods, you can accomplish that transformation.

Ron Subs works with Beauty Brief as a public relations consultant, more information about diets can be found at