How does migraine cause nausea

By | April 24, 2020

how does migraine cause nausea

Important: This content reflects information from various individuals and organizations and may offer alternative or opposing points of view. It should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs. Why do migraine headaches cause nausea? Egilius L. Spierings, MD.

A migraine is a common type of headache. It may occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light. Most people feel a throbbing pain on only one side of their head during a migraine. Some people who get migraines have warning signs, called an aura, before the actual headache begins. An aura is a group of symptoms that includes vision changes. An aura is a warning sign that a bad headache is coming. Alcohol, stress, hormonal changes, skipping meals, lack of sleep, certain odors or perfumes, loud noises or bright lights, exercise, and cigarette smoking may also trigger a migraine. Try to treat your symptoms right away. This may help make the headache less severe.

Cause nausea how does migraine Such casual

This is one of the most severe types of pain that a human can experience. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol. Several migraine medications, including Imitrex sumatriptan, Zomig zolmitriptan, and Migranal dihydroergotamine, are available in other forms inhalable, injectable, suppositories which can be more tolerable for you if you are severely nauseated. What does a headache on top of the head mean? Even with the treatment options available, nausea and vomiting during a Migraine attack can be incredibly disabling.