Hairy Cell Leukemia (Advances in Blood Disorders)

By | May 25, 2018
Hairy Cell Leukemia (Advances in Blood Disorders)

Hairy cell leukemia has been the subject of much debate during the past forty years. The etiology and pathogenesis of the disease is still unclear, and the origin of the unusual “hairy” B-lymphocyte is still to be clarified with certainty. Nevertheless, clinical advances in the therapy of this disease have resulted in the control and virtual cure of the majority of cases with the disorder.
This volume addresses all aspects of hairy cell leukemia, embracing the history of the disease, morphology, electron-microscopy, histopathology, biological and immunological aspects, possible etiological environmental links, diagnosis and differential diagnosis and all aspects of modern therapy.
The authors are established specialists in this field and many have been leaders in the investigation and therapy of hairy cell leukemia, contributing years of their clinical and scientific experience in the search for solutions. Collectively their contributions bring together a wealth of up-to-date information to present a comprehensive and invaluable guide to the disease and current treatment therapies.

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