Fight Kidney Disease & Diabetes: How to Take Your Diet to the Next Level

By | May 9, 2018
Fight Kidney Disease & Diabetes: How to Take Your Diet to the Next Level

Nearly 15 year Dialysis patient, and 30+ year high level Management Executive – Mark A. Fields found happiness and Dialysis success on his own terms. But Mark was not always a healthy Dialysis patient with increased energy levels, able to lead a life eating in balance without sacrificing his favorite meals, limited recovery time after treatment, and severely decreased feelings of nausea and exhaustion. He used to be like you, suffering through feelings of having more bad days than good, tumultuous Dialysis treatments, and difficulties maintaining important personal relationships. He learned the hard way how to overcome these challenges to lead the life he desired, even with Dialysis. And now, he is teaching those who want to learn how they too can better manage their lives with Chronic Kidney Disease and/or Diabetes. Fight Kidney Disease & Diabetes is one major step forward in doing just that. Mark shares his favorite 20 recipes, most empowering and lesser known tips, go-to patient-to-patient advice for a fulfilling, healthy diet, and happy life. Mark knows what YOU need because he has been through where YOU are. If you were to hire him to give direct advice you would have to pay hundreds of dollars per hour. But you can’t. He is already personally consulting with patients as well as has a waiting list. Along with his other engagements such as events, healthcare consulting, and maintaining his own personal health and well-being, he is currently unable to take on new clients for one-on-one consulting. But now…you can learn some of the secrets he actually uses day-to-day and do it all on your own time schedule, in your own time frame. What are you waiting for? Improve your life today! When you begin to utilize this easy to read cooking guide you’ll be amazed at how it begins to change your life, how you feel better, complain less, your family and friends feel more valued, and your diet improves! For a hard copy version, contact directly.