When a female gets injured there are lots of factors which need to be taken care of with more sincerity. To prevent further injury in case of ACL tears it is advised to make use of knee braces and if she is suffering from any kind of infection in her bladder then it is essential to use female catheters.
You might have come across many of the cases in which a female gets injured badly and in this article you will come to know about the treatment of these injuries. As in one case a female had met with an accident after that she was being admitted in a hospital where it was diagnosed that women is having an infection in her bladder which makes the case even more complicated. She requires treatment for ACL tears and urethral orifice damage. In order to prevent further injuries in her sensitive organs she was given female catheters and knee braces. ACL tears which means anterior cruciate ligament in medical terms is among the four primal knew ligaments.
This problem is normally caused to sports persons and moreover it is found in women at a large scale. Treatment is possible in this regard as reconstruction is the alternative considered suitable for it. ACL tears generally calls for a surgical treatment but in some cases where ligaments are not so badly damaged then knee braces can serve the purpose as it is a substitute for ligaments. It enables a patient to perform certain activities without going through a risky surgical method. It is also used by a number of sports person to prevent knee injuries. Now when it comes to urethral orifice damage and bladder infection then it is advised to make use of female catheter. It is explained by Mc Graw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern medicine which says that it is a thin, flexible tube inserted in a vascular and other lumen like bladder. This is basically used to deliver fluids, nutrients or therapeutic, withdrawal fluids.
Female catheter is also used for intermittent withdrawals and drainage of urine in a closed system. It involves various risk factors for which high degree of precautions is to be taken. It is necessary to make use of anesthetic or antibacterial lubricants as there are no lubricants glands found in female urethra. Knee braces are normally used to avoid injuries in knee and if an injured person is using it then it helps to escape from surgery.
For more information about knee supports & finger braces, visit http://www.wisdomking.com