Dr. Meryl Nass Fights Back Against Unjust Attacks

By | October 25, 2022

Dr. Meryl Nass, a board-certified internal medicine physician with special expertise in vaccine safety and vaccine mandates, is one of countless health care professionals who have been targeted for speaking out against the COVID-19 narrative.

January 12, 2021, the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine ordered the immediate suspension of Nass’ medical license, accusing her of spreading COVID-19 “misinformation” and ordering her to undergo a neuropsychological evaluation conducted by a psychologist of the board’s choosing.1

In over 40 years of practice, Nass had never had a malpractice case or a board action against her — prior to this. Further, none of Nass’ patients issued any complaints. The suspension of her medical license was due to four complaints from strangers made to the Maine Board from October to December 2021. Two came from people who said they saw “misinformation” from Nass online.

The third came from a physician who reported Nass prescribing “deworming medication” — i.e., ivermectin. And the fourth complaint came from a midwife who reported Nass prescribing hydroxychloroquine.

Medical License Suspended With No Hearing

Nass’ license was suspended immediately without a hearing, with the board implying that she was, according to Children’s Health Defense (CHD), “mentally impaired or a substance abuser and incompetent to practice medicine.”2 The board’s suspension order also accused Nass of spreading misinformation — a dangerous witch hunt because misinformation has no accepted definition.

What constitutes “misinformation” or “disinformation” worthy of taking away a person’s medical license? It’s anyone’s guess, really. It could be anything. In Nass’ case, the board’s suspension order seemed to take issue with her statements about mandatory COVID-19 shots and concerns regarding boosters, vaccine passports and government surveillance. It stated, for instance:3

“On October 26, 2021, the Board received a complaint alleging that Dr. Nass was engaging in the public dissemination of “misinformation regarding the SARS CoV2 pandemic and the official public health response calling for vaccinations” via a video interview and on her website, and that the information that Dr. Nass was disseminating was a “danger to the public.”

Dr. Nass’s comments in the interview and on her website include, but are not limited to: a) she “did not intend to comply with masking and vaccine orders”; b) that the federal government “won’t let us find out” how many people are immune from less severe or asymptomatic COVID cases and the federal government has “basically prohibited the use of normal tests of immunity, normal antibody, T-cell tests, etc., or some pattern of those”, and “instead we all have to be vaccinated” and that “doesn’t make scientific or medical sense”.”

Medical Boards Targeting Doctors Across the US

It should be noted that this type of affront is not unique to Maine. A California law — AB 2098 — also gives the state power to take away doctors’ medical licenses if they spread “misinformation” that goes against the standard COVID-19 rhetoric.

Specifically, those who “disseminate or promote misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines” could be “disciplined,” which includes loss of their medical license.4

It’s akin to putting shackles on their wrists, forcing them to conform to a narrative intent on pushing dangerous gene therapies and ineffective medications. It’s also a potential warning of darker things to come. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor specializing in epidemiology and health policy at Stanford Medical School, who has also personally been the target of a smear campaign due to his beliefs about COVID-19, explained:5

“The language of the bill itself is intentionally vague about what constitutes ‘misinformation,’ which makes it even more damaging. Doctors, fearing loss of their livelihoods, will need to hew closely to the government line on Covid science and policy, even if that line does not track the scientific evidence.

After all, until recently, top government science bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci claimed that the idea that Covid came from a Wuhan laboratory was a conspiracy theory, rather than a valid hypothesis that should be open to discussion. The government’s track record on discerning Covid truths is poor.”

People Worldwide Targeted for ‘Misinformation’

It’s not only in the U.S. that people are at risk of losing their careers for speaking their mind or sharing data that goes against the status quo. For instance, Dr. Sam Bailey of Christchurch, New Zealand, was a well-known presenter in a TVNZ health series called “The Checkup.” That is, until she was terminated for “spreading misinformation.”

We’re at the convoluted point where a medical doctor can give an opinion and have it labeled “misinformation,” but how can an opinion be “wrong”? The livelihoods and reputations of countless people have been decimated based on “misinformation” while we still don’t have answers to these questions.

Bailey cites the Cambridge Dictionary’s definition of misinformation, which is “wrong information, or the fact that people are misinformed.”6 This implies that there are either incorrect statements or the person is trying to deceive others. Governments, and the corporations associated with them, are the ones most often using the term misinformation, but Bailey notes:7

“… We know from history that governments, and their associated corporations, are specialists at gaslighting not only foreign countries but also their own citizens to do all sorts of crazy things. However now they expect us to believe that whistleblowers and individuals risking their careers are the ones behind the misinformation.”

People are also being censored, deplatformed and banned from social media for the crime of spreading misinformation, the meaning of which can change from day to day and from platform to platform.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security even lists promulgating “false narratives” around COVID-19 as a top national security threat, which basically puts a “domestic terrorist” target on the backs of those of us who have been identified as the most prolific “superspreaders” of COVID-19 misinformation, whatever that “misinformation” happens to be.

Board Drops Misinformation Charges Against Nass

Curiously, in the days leading up to Nass’ October 11, 2022, hearing, the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine walked back some of its misinformation claims. September 26, 2022, it withdrew six accusations that Nass was spreading misinformation. Then, September 30, it withdrew more factual allegations related to misinformation.

By the time of the hearing, CHD, which is supporting Nass’ defense, noted, “The board has now dropped all charges regarding so-called ‘misinformation.’”8 In November 2021, before her license was suspended, Nass wrote to the board asking it to define “misinformation” and “disinformation” as well as requesting it clarify what authority it has to discipline physicians based on “undefined transgressions.”9

As noted by CHD president and general counsel Mary Holland, “The Board’s attempts to censor physicians like Nass have no role in medicine or science; they present a grave danger to the health and human rights of all Americans.”10

Nass Gets the Chance to Speak Her Case

You can watch a video of Nass’ October 11 hearing in the video above, which includes expert testimony on Nass’ behalf from Professor Emeritus in epidemiology at Yale Dr. Harvey Risch; pulmonary and critical care specialist Dr. Paul Marik; inventor of mRNA vaccine technology Dr. Robert Malone; intensive care specialist Dr. Pierre Kory; and surgeon Dr. Steven Katsis, who is with the Oklahoma Medical Board.11

The prosecution focused on Nass’ prescribing of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, as well as petty record-keeping issues that CHD noted are “well within the standard of care.”12 As CHD reported:13

“Nass’s Maine counsel, Gene Libby and Tyler Smith, have moved to dismiss all charges and asked the Board to apologize to her for its unfounded case intended only to silence Nass and like-minded physicians who used effective early treatments for COVID-19 — as opposed to no treatment at all until patients were hospitalized.”

During the hearing, which was about four hours long and viewed more than 180,000 times around the world,14 Nass introduced 286 pages of emails and letters from her patients and others, attesting to her competency as a physician.15 Further, in the opening statement it’s stated:16

“Dr. Nass is facing discipline only because she exercised her free speech rights against what Thomas Jefferson called ‘the civil authority.’ Dr. Nass has practiced medicine 42 years without a patient complaint. She stands before you today without a patient complaint …

Dr. Nass is here only because she criticized the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines distributed and promoted by the Federal and State government. Indeed, her patients love and respect her. Dr. Nass is revered among her patients …

Dr. Nass is before you because she was caught up in a political cauldron that could not accept dissenting voices and attempted to vilify and discredit physicians who did not adopt the government narrative that mRNA vaccines were safe and effective.”

Overall Nass felt the hearing “went very well,” and she was glad to finally get to share her side of the case. In an update on the hearing, Nass explained:17

“The first 2.5 hours I was questioned by an assistant attorney general to try and set up a case based on minutiae such as failing to obtain a signed informed consent before writing a prescription and false claims, such as that I had not recommended ER/inpatient care to the patients when it was needed. None of the claims were accurate.

The last 1.5 hours include my attorney questioning me about my background, and establishing some of the impediments placed in the way of honest physicians who wanted to effectively treat COVID by the medical board, the governor and the health department. This is the more interesting part of the day.”

Nass’ Pledge to Restore Justice

When the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine first threatened to suspend Nass’ license, they gave her a choice. Place her medical license in inactive status or face disciplinary action. She chose the latter because, as she stated at the hearing, she wanted to clear her name and stop these unjust attacks, which are also happening to hundreds of other health care professionals.

In other words, she’s not giving up without a fight. Toward that end, Nass has created a pledge to restore the U.S. and its values,18 which will roll out soon and provide a way to speak out against the injustice of vaccine mandates, propaganda and censorship that’s run rampant since March 2020. She explained:19

“What we have to do is redo the emergency laws in the U.S., and I’ve suggested a pledge that we can ask people and candidates to take that will cause legislatures to review emergency rules.

So when an emergency is declared, you only get it for two weeks, if you’re a governor or a secretary of health or the president, and then by the end of two weeks the legislature or the Congress has to convene and hold hearings on whether they’re still in an emergency and whether they’ve done the right things for that emergency.

The pledge also asks for mandates to be lifted. It’s against U.S. law to mandate experimental products and everything under EUA is an investigational, experimental product. I’m happy for anyone to be vaccinated or wear masks who wants to, but there should be no mandates for those products.”

The pledge also asks to end censorship, the restriction of communication between people, the propagandizing by government and private enterprises and the collusion between government and social media, as well as to ban gain-of-function research, which likely contributed to the creation of SARS-CoV-2 in the first place.

“The founders paid, in blood, for the freedoms we have,” Nass said. “And we have a lot of freedoms enshrined in law, but they’ve been taken from us under the guise of a pandemic. Now we have to fight with everything we’ve got to get them back before they’re gone forever.”20
