Dealing with Anxiety in the Time of the Coronavirus

By | March 22, 2020

Clinical Psychologist Ashley Berges shares her best practices for getting through this crisis without falling apart.

Images of empty grocery stores are all over the news, people stocking up on toilet paper and posting on social media, stores closed, restaurants closed, and your gym is probably closed too. For many of us, it feels like we’re in a movie, however, this is really happening and the fear and anxiety can become overwhelmingly difficult to process. So how do we keep our sanity during this crisis?

In this video, I’m discussing eight things you can do to keep your anxiety and stress in check. If you feel overwhelmed, stressed out, numb, or anxious about our world’s situation, you may want to watch this to calm your nerves and help you to be more productive and mentally healthy.

We can’t live or thrive in full panic. Even during these times, especially during these times, we must work to live our true life.

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