Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment

By | April 7, 2017

The most common cause of chronic kidney disease is damaged caused to the kidneys by other chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Interestingly, the groups that are most likely to suffer from chronic kidney disease are the same groups of people that are most likely to suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). For reasons not entirely understood, people of Afro-Caribbean and South Asian (India, Pakistan and Bangladeshi) origins are more likely to develop high blood pressure than other ethnic groups[1] and these are the same groups that are also most likely to develop chronic kidney disease.

As the concentration of red blood cells reduces, your blood carries less and less oxygen, and symptoms of anemia start to be obvious when your kidneys have dropped to around 45% of their usual ability. As kidney failure increases, you become more anemic. Telltale signs of anemia are fatigue, shortness of breath, feeling cold all the time, looking pale, problems concentrating, headaches, and sometimes chest pains. Women also have changes in their period, while men may have trouble with erections.

There are two primary types of kidney failure in humans. The first occurs fairly suddenly and is called “acute renal failure”. We’ll talk later about the causes of this condition. The second disease is more insidious and occurs over time. It is called “chronic renal failure”. This type of kidney failure has causes of its own. The treatment for both types of renal failure is roughly the same, with dialysis and kidney transplant being the most common treatments.

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Kidney Disease Consequences
Kidney disease that is uncontrolled can become chronic kidney disease (CKD). As CKD worsens, the kidneys can not adequately regulate water in the body. The blood may become too thick, placing an increased work load on the heart.
At the same time, blood chemicals will go unregulated. If the heart lacks the important electrolyte chemicals, it cannot function efficiently.

We can make out if our kidneys are not working properly. A person who has kidney stones or a bladder infection would definitely understand this because of the agonising pain involved. The symptoms involved gives a clear picture that our blood has a high quantity of proteins which is one of the reason behind the formation of kidney stones or we might have a fungus infection or we could have consumed a large quantity of poisons and toxins. Auto-immune deficiencies like Lupus, Hepatitis B, and HIV are also responsible for some kidney problems.

Tragically, twenty-six million Americans or approximately one in nine adults are afflicted with chronic kidney disease and are unaware of it? Kidney disease is a huge health issue in not only the U.S. but around the globe as well.

There are several different types of kidney disease, some of which are worse than others. Kidney disease can be “acute”, meaning it is of a fast onset or “chronic” meaning the decline in kidney function is slow. Both kinds of kidney disease can be due to autoimmune disorders, toxins, medications or infections. Diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure can gradually worsen the function of the kidneys.

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Treatment can include the following –
1. Diet: You might hear or read things that suggest certain special diets for your cat. However, the most important thing is that your cat is eating. If your cat doesn’t like the diet and refuses to eat the food, it doesn’t do much good. Feed your cat the foods she likes to eat, staying with nutritional, healthy foods. Don’t feed your cat just dry food. They will need the moisture from other foods to help keep them hydrated.

2. Nutrition: Your veterinarian might suggest a special food called Renafood, which can help better your cat’s kidney function. You might need to crush it into your cat’s regular food, but most cats actually like it.

3. Supplemental Fluids: Your veterinarian can give your cat supplemental fluids at their office or teach you how to do it at home. This is one of the best ways to keep your cat hydrated.

so great, even the royalty of ancient China forbode the use of Cordyceps Sinensis and thus coveted its use for the Royal Family only. Modern chemical analysis has shown its secrets to not only being able to combat cancer or Aid’s but as a viable alternative treatment for a wider range of disease and illness than any other drug or herb, which may be the reason for peoples superstition for not using cordyceps sinensis because the effects and wide ranging benefits are so great that people tend to not believe its potency immediately when looking for a cure to their problems.

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Carpal tunnel syndrome – Carpus comes from the Greek word for wrist. The wrist is surrounded by a band of fibrous tissue that normally functions as a support for the joint. The tight space between this fibrous band and the wrist bone is called the carpal tunnel. The median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel to receive sensations from the thumb, index, and middle fingers of the hand.

Metabolic Disorders – caused by a disruption of the chemical processes in the body. In some cases, nerve damage is caused by the inability to properly use energy in the body. In other cases, dangerous substances (toxins) build up in the body and damage nerves. Some metabolic disorders are pass down through families (inherited), while others are develop due to various diseases.

Amyloidosis (metabolic disorder) an disorder where a protein called amyloid is deposited in tissues and organs. Amyloidosis can affect peripheral sensory, motor or autonomic nerves and deposition of amyloid lead to degeneration and dysfunction in these nerves.

The key is how to deliver oxygen to the body on a cellular level. This host of pharmaceutical mushrooms includes such well-known products as Reishi, Maitake and Agaricus which are rich in beta-glucans, known sources for oxygen.

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