Category Archives: News

Science Based Green Detox

Only people who have never stepped into a gym make such stupid statements. Strength varies greatly person to person of course, but some bodybuilders are very strong with 800lb squats and 500lb bench presses not uncommon. I have seen people using weight that had to be seen to be believed: 600lb front squats for reps,… Read More »

Preventing Cancer

Free Website Content » Health » Cancer Articles Governments throughout the world rarely tell their populations what the individual can do to prevent a disease occurring in the first instance. While all the emphasis is put on building more hospitals, better equipped hospitals and reducing waiting lists, lowering the need for hospital space by preventing… Read More »

Friday Faves

Hey friends! Happy Friday! I’m back in Tucson after a whirlwind trip to Santa Barbara for the CJ University conference. It was my first time in SB, and I think we need to go back asap for a family vacation. It was insanely gorgeous with picturesque beach and mountain views, amazing food (#allthetacos), and all… Read More »