Anxiety Neurosis

By | January 9, 2018

Dealing With Fear:
Everyone experiences fear from time to time but for millions of people, dealing with fear has become a full-time job. It’s been said that anxiety neurosis is the most common form of psychoneurosis among individuals with above-average intelligence.  Having a feeling of confinement or being trapped along with physical symptoms of cold sweats, increased blood pressure, and cotton-mouth can be symptoms of anxiety neurosis. It is an extreme form of anxiety that keeps the sufferer from functioning normally.

It’s not known how brain chemistry may cause anxiety neurosis but it has been speculated that a combination of any or all of the following three psychological states may contribute to this anxiety illness:

Repression of sexual need
Repression of the ‘self-assertive tendency’, meaning if one’s ego/self-esteem has not properly developed and he/she suffers from self-esteem issues
Internal emotional disagreement, meaning conflicting emotions

Panic attacks may be an expression of Anxiety Neurosis. When one’s anxiety, stress level, and nervous tension reach a boiling point it can manifest in the fight-or-flight reaction of a panic attack. This is another example of how debilitating anxiety illness can be. Appropriate treatment is necessary to live a more normal life.

Treatment can take several different forms, including:

Drug Therapy using benzodiazepines and/or antidepressants
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Psychotherapy
Natural Therapy

Breathing exercises for anxiety falls under the Natural Therapies category. When a person suffering from anxiety neurosis starts to feel a panic attack coming on he learns how to control his stress level by taking slow, deep, conscious breaths. Thus, keeping the nervous tension at a manageable level. Other breathing techniques include Standing Breathing,  in which the person stands and takes slow breaths, inhaling as he raises his arms above his head. The breath is held for a few seconds and let out slowly as the arms return to his sides.  A yoga method of breathing is called Alternate Nostril Breathing. The right nostril is held closed by the thumb while the person slowly inhales through the other side, taking a full breath. Then, the left nostril is pushed closed and the breath is exhaled through the right side. Repeat with the opposite side and continue until a feeling of calmness takes effect.


Learn more about anxiety neurosis and relieving stress and anxiety
