Anxiety Disorder in the Nutshell

By | April 1, 2018

Anxiety is a serious physiological disorders cause by extreme feelings of worry, apprehension and fear that are related to certain situations or subjects. Prolong anxiety disorders can affect sufferers’ ability to lead a normal life. Most of Anxiety Disorders sufferers experience similar physical symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, heart palpitations and nausea. Unlike physical diseases, anxiety disorders are basic human emotions that response to a perceived thread that could occur anytime and anywhere. These emotions are actually beneficial under certain conditions.

By nature everyone has a trait of some form of anxiety disorder, but unlike the anxiety sufferers, this disorder was not dominant. At some point of a person life this disorder can be triggered by an event that traumatizes that person. There are several types of anxiety disorders:

It is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by an irrational and extreme fear focusing on particular thing or situation. Everybody can imagine something that induces fear, but for Phobic disorders, it is blown out of proportion to the reality. There are many type of phobias, such as: Acrophobia, the fear of heights; Agoraphobia, the fear of open/public places and Arachnophobia the fear of spiders.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
People with this disorder experience excessive worry and numerous tensions in everyday situations without any specific thing that triggers it. The Generalized anxiety disorder sufferers are more pervasive and always looking at things on the negative side, like waiting for a disaster to happen. These worries normally preventing the sufferers to be able to get a good night sleep.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
This type of anxiety disorder sufferer is plagued by intrusive and an unwanted thought (obsessions), in such he/she feels the need to perform repetitive behaviors (compulsions). By performing these senseless rituals, it provides him/her a sense of relief. In absence of these rituals would increase the sufferers’ anxiety. These compulsions include excessive cleaning, avoiding cracked pavements when walking, repetitive checking or counting.

Panic Disorder
It is also known as Panic attacks in which is characterized by severe palpitations, suffocating sensation and shortness of breath. This anxiety disorder is commonly known to be triggered by recurring chronic emotional stress. People with panic disorder are known to experience not just one episode but a series of panic attacks. This disorder could be triggered at the familiar places with no danger impose such as the malls, churches or work place. Suffers somehow feel that they are not in the real world during the episode.

While there is no cure antidote for the anxiety sufferers, fortunately, it is treatable. Many patients have been able to control their anxiety with both cognitive and behavioral therapies. On some cases, doctors might prescribe a medication to be used in conjunction with the therapy.

Ken Hermanto is the publisher of Anxiety Disorder Web Site that helps people to understand and manage Anxiety Disorders, Phobias and Depression.