Does the 17 Day Diet Work

By | October 19, 2016

There is a new diet in town, the 17 day diet ! What’s different about this diet ? It tricks your metabolism into doing the work for you, so your body learns to lose weight on its own. The 17 Day diet reviews have been awesome so far and it looks like loads of people have had success with it.

The diet is unique in the way that it works. The 17 Day Diet runs in 17 day cycles, each cycle designed with a different purpose, and each cycle with its own plan. The different stages of the 17 day diet aim to trick your metabolism into working faster, by restricting certain foods and then re-introducing them in a way that promotes weight loss.

Is the 17 day diet some new mystery diet ? No, it is actually very simple. The diet has four cycles, each one 17 days long. The accelerate stage, the activate stage, the achieve stage and the arrive stage.

The accelerate stage of the 17 day diet aims to reduce the amount of carbohydrates that you take in which promotes fat burning, cleans out your system and starts the weight loss process.

The activate stage of the 17 day diet is aimed at carbohydrate cycling which resets your metabolism which stimulates the burning of fat and stops your body from reaching a plateau.

The achieve stage re-introduces some restricted foods and will teach you healthy eating habits. (this got the best 17 day diet reviews).

The final stage of the 17 day diet is the arrive phase which aims at getting you to maintain your goal weight while still allowing you to eat some of the foods you enjoy.

While on the diet there is a big influence not to eat processed foods and to try and avoid sugar.

So, does the 17 day diet work ?

I am in the process of convincing my friends to join me on the diet. I have been following the 17 day diet for a while now and have found the 17 day diet to work very well. Its help me lose weight and then maintain that weight.

They are many success stories of people using the 17 day diet, my friend Jill being one of them. I asked her to write a 17 day diet review for me as she has seen the best results.

This is what she said.

My friend told me about this diet, i didn’t believe that it could work until i started reading the 17 Day Diet Reviews on the internet. They all seemed very positive.

By the time the fourth cycle ended, I had lost 8 pounds and ever since then i have repeated the cycle for the last 3 months. I have now lost a total of 20 pounds.

I also did about 1 hour of walking each week which helped speed up the diet.

I would recommend the 17 day diet to anyone looking to lose weight.

Two real life experiences using the 17 day diet.

I have four other friends currently using the diet and will hope get 17 day diet reviews from them as well.

Should you try the 17 Day Diet ? Yes you should, unless you don’t want to lose weight.

Does the 17 Day Diet work? 17 Day Diet Reviews