Gallbladder Pain And Disease

By | November 14, 2017

Gallbladder pain has become a very common condition nowadays, mainly because of a bad lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. The gallbladder is an organ that is located directly under the liver. It is connected to the liver, and upper portion of the small intestine via a duct system. The gallbladder stores bile, which is produced by the liver. The bile is a liquid that aids in digesting fats and lipids, the gallbladder can store about 50 millilitres of bile. Pain in the gallbladder is usually caused because of the presence of gallstones, which are cholesterol deposits. When excess cholesterol is in the body, it causes these gallstones to be formed. The stones are not always formed because of cholesterol, sometimes they are also because of calcium and bile salts. These gallstones tend to block the flow of the bile from the gallbladder, which ends up causing excruciating pain.

It is crucial to understand this disease, because the number of people with digestive diseases is rapidly increasing. There are many people who go through surgical removal of the gallbladder every year. This procedure is known as cholecystectomy. But, the good news is that even after the removal of the organ, it is not impossible for the body to function healthily.

Who are at risk –

1. Obese people
2. People with digestive problems
3. People above the age of 40
4. People with a high blood cholesterol level
5. Women who take certain drugs and contraceptive pills
6. People who take a lot of fat and sugar in their diet

Some of the symptoms of gallbladder disease are –

1. Pain in the upper abdomen
2. Pain between the shoulder blades
3. Nausea
4. Fatigue
5. Gas
6. Indigestion
7. Pain or vomit immediately after eating fatty foods
8. Fever
9. Pain under the right shoulder
10. Bloating of the abdomen

If a fever accompanies the abdomen pain, you need to seek medical emergency immediately, as you maybe having a gallbladder attack. Most of the gallbladder pain symptoms are not particular only to gallbladder pain, but they are sure to be more severe when there is a gallbladder condition. Many people who have gallstones, do not experience these symptoms in their entire life. In other cases, it was found that there are certain types of food that seem to trigger these symptoms, and if those foodstuffs are eliminated from the diet, the patient can live a comfortable life. For example, meat, chocolates, eggs and cakes are full of cholesterol and require more bile for proper digestion. In such circumstances production of bile is difficult because of the gallbladder disease, and this in turn produces the above given symptoms. The main cause of gallbladder disease and gallbladder attack is lack of adequate nutrition, and an unhealthy life style.

Many doctors seem to confuse a gallbladder problem with other digestive problems. This is why; people are misinformed when it comes to recognizing gallbladder symptoms. Treatment and prevention are also very important. Taking medications regularly and maintaining a proper diet will make the necessary difference to your health.

Please visit this link for more information on Gallbladder Pain and this link for information on Gallbladder Pain Symptoms.