Scott Brown, police officer, Streetsboro, OH.
William Schaffner, MD, professor of infectious diseases, Vanderbilt University.
Valerie Lehmann, junior, University of Maryland, College Park.
Daniel A. Domenech, PhD, executive director, the School Superintendents Association.
Caitlin Rivers, PhD, senior scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
Streetsboro City Schools: “School Is Closed for All Students Effective 3/13/2020-4/3/2020 or TBD.”
University System of Maryland: “About USM,” “Statement by University System of Maryland Chancellor Jay A. Perman: Guidance on USM Spring Break, Distance Learning, and Related COVID-19 Preparations.”
University of Maryland: “Coronavirus Information.”
University of Maryland Division of Student Affairs: “Message From the Vice President for Student Affairs on Student Support.”
Vanderbilt University: “Mar. 9, 2020 — Classes suspended and new guidelines.”
CDC: “Interim Guidance for Administrators of US K-12 Schools and Childcare Programs; Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19),” “Considerations for School Closure.”
U.S. Department of Agriculture: “Secretary Perdue Announces Proactive Flexibilities to Feed Children When Schools Close,” U.S. Department of Agriculture: “Secretary Perdue Statement on President Trump’s Declaration of National Emergency Regarding COVID-19.”
NYC, the Official Website of the City of New York: “New York City to Close All School Buildings and Transition to Remote Learning, March 15, 2020,” “Transcript: Mayor de Blasio Holds Media Availability on COVID-19, March 13, 2020.”
Education Week: “Map: Coronavirus and School Closures.”