Xanax Abuse And Its Effects

By | April 21, 2017

Xanax is member of a family of medications known as benzodiazepine drugs. It is usually prescribed by the doctors for curing panic attacks with or without agoraphobia. If it is used just for a short period of time on the advice of a physician, the danger of xanax addiction is moderate. If it is used for periods of time longer than 2 weeks, the risks of addiction to Xanax are very high and the user might feel withdrawal symptoms on the ending of use.

Ones the body gets used to a particular quantity of dose, the sense of extreme excitement and relaxation diminishes. The abuser will then increase the quantity to feel the same sensation again. Unfortunately the body’s tolerance to Xanax will keep on increasing and excitement will never completely return. A time comes when the addict does not feel any excitement but still he has to use Xanax to avoid withdrawal signs.

Side effects of xanax addiction:

Normally the Xanax addiction does not create side effects that are too hazardous. But the most commonly evident slight effects might include tiredness, nausea, constipation, itchiness, shakiness, lightheadedness. These effects are said to leave ones the body gets used to to utilizing normal dosage of Xanax. You should call your doctor if these effects do not disappear.

Although the above mentioned side effects are the most common, some other side effects may also appear. These other side effects might include suicidal thoughts, depression, breathing problems, jaundice, allergic reactions, hallucinations, loss of memory and swelling on the face and tongue. These are more serious side effects of Xanax. If you see any of these symptoms, you should visit your doctor straight away.

Very few side effects of addiction to Xanax are known that specifically affect each gender. Addiction to Xanax might result in sexual weakness in men. It might cause failure to achieve orgasm and low libido in women.

Pregnant women who are Xanax addicts should look for medical assistance right away. Xanax can cause increased threat of birth defects. But it should be noted that abrupt discontinuation of using Xanax is dangerous for the fetus as well as the mother. The withdrawal process must be undergone under strict medical care in an inpatient setting. The process should be lead by a well trained physician who is well versed in addiction medicine.

Xanax addiction is a global disease which kills thousands of people every year. Side effects of xanax are so painful that they take years to recover. Proper treatment is required to get recovery from addiction. We are helping such patients to get longtime recovery. Please visit us for more details.