Why Do Women Choose To Abort Posted By : Frank K. Githinji

By | September 14, 2018

In the United States alone close to six million pregnancies occur every year. But surprisingly enough more than half of these pregnancies are unplanned and unintended. The major reason why women choose to abort is because of a failed contraceptive. The woman engages in sex trusting the form of contraceptive she is using is pregnant proof. But to her disappointment, she discovers she is already expectant. Birth control methods do not give you a 100% guarantee against pregnancy. Any slight hitch in the handling and usage of contraceptives becomes a recipe for disaster. More than half of the women interviewed in a recent study confessed to have used one or the other birth control method but it failed. Either the contraceptive was used inappropriately. Failure and forgetfulness of using any birth control method on that one occasion.

Not being in a capacity to support a child is among the reasons why women choose to abort. This shows that the pregnancy was not planned and it was an accident. But now it has happened and the woman prefers abortion to avoid bringing forth a child into this world. Who will meet the welfare of the child? She is alone and financially disabled. A majority of women feel it would be prudent to postpone child bearing until such a time when everything would be conducive. A time when she will be ripe and ready to bear children and bring them up comfortably. Better still they would want to be in a relationship with a partner who is supportive and ready to share responsibilities with her in bringing up the children.

Among the many reasons why women choose to abort is to end an unwanted pregnancy. A pregnancy that makes a woman to fight with social stigmatization. It makes her to be the center of loath and ridicule especially if she comes from those conservative corners of the society. A society that believes in sexual chastity, virtue and purity. A pregnancy outside the legal boundaries of wedlock will face harsh criticism. Family and friends put pressure for the termination of this pregnancy. Surely this is an unwanted pregnancy because even the woman had not really planned for it. It was a mistake and in her opinion she would not have become pregnant in the first place. A better option is to abort and terminate the pregnancy.

A pregnancy taking place as result of of a case of incest or rape is a one of the why women choose to abort. It occurred due to canal violations of this woman in a most horrible manner. An action that forever haunt the woman. Haunting incidents that would forever remain etched in her memory. It is an episode she would rather not remember due to the pain it causes. Handling such a trauma is itself traumatic. To add salt to injury there is a pregnancy as a result of this abominable act. Seeing the child will be a constant reminder of that heinous act. It might make her loath the child much as the child is innocent. Such women choose to abort.

ArticleSphere.com: Women Health And Fitness | Abortion