Do you believe an ice cream can kill a girl or apizza smell would send a boy to an anaphylactic shock? Let’s see top five weirdest allergies worldwide as follows.
A little girl is allergic to cold
Priscilla Pomerantz, who is allergic to cold, cannot do many activities during the winter such as playing in the snow and even eating an ice cream because air temperature below 70 degrees can lead her to some negative reactions like difficulty in breathing. Therefore, her parents do everything to keep Priscilla warm. Each morning, she is taken to school by car instead of school bus and sits next to a space heater in her class. The bath water has to be hot enough for her to stand it.
Priscilla takes antihistamines twice a day and carries an EpiPen everywhere
Priscilla has to give up a lot of things she loves such as ice cream and sledding
A girl is allergic to almost everything
Laura Weaver, who has hyper-sensitive skin, is allergic to almost everything like dairy products, several fruits, sprays, perfumes, soaps, some plastic furniture and even non-cotton clothing. For example, a peanut would send her into lethal anaphylactic shock or the smell of an air freshener could make her doubled over in pain. The brave teenager didn’t go to school until a special clean room at Wyebridge Sports College was created to protect her from dozens of irritants. She, however, has to spend two hours pasting on three types of cream before putting on head-to-toe bandages to protect her skin every morning and evening.
Her skin may break and bleed whenever she is allergic to something strange
She has to wear bandages 24 hours per day
A women is allergic to love
Unlike the two girls above, Charlotte Davies is allergic to… love. When she met her future husband within weeks, her eyelids erupted with eczema and her eyes swelled to the size of golf balls. The eczema continued for the next two years and flared up whenever she was particularly emotional. Fortunately, her strange allergy disappeared after she got married.
She could hardly open her eyes after a month dating with her future husband
The couple first met at a bar in Colchester
A boy is allergic to pizza smell
No one is allowed to eat pizza near Christopher Merrett because the pizza smell will result him in dead risks. After he touched a tiny trace of milk on a shopping trolley and got an anaphylactic shock, the boy was diagnosed to have severe allergy to dairy products. His parent must give up their favorite food, pizza, to protect him from danger.
Christopher Merrett and his mother, Michelle
A teenage girl is allergic to water
Ashleigh from Melbourne, Australia, is allergic to water of any temperature since she was 14. She suffered from an extremely rare skin disorder called Aquagenic Urticaria. When this girl gets wet, her body explodes in sore and itchy red lumps during two hours.
She has a busy life studying Journalism and Public Relations at university and working in an office
After a shower, she stays at home until her red lumps go away
Related links:
Allergies – Types of Allergies
Allergies – Food Allergies
Allergy Management
I have been working as a doctor of a general hospital since February 1998. In addition, I am a full time writer and specialize in weight loss related issues. I also write for a number of different websites on the Internet.