Virtual Rounds with the Center for Women’s Mental Health Extended through June!

By | June 1, 2020

Over the past two months, the MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health has had the tremendous opportunity to host virtual rounds from 2-3pm EST via Zoom for all health professionals with an interest in reproductive psychiatry and women’s mental health. We have reached nearly 300 students and practitioners in 33 states, 3 Canadian provinces, and 5 additional countries. Invaluable contributions from our guests panelists, as well as the thoughtful questions and cases submitted by participants, have given rise to a sense of community that is so precious during this period of isolation and stress. Furthermore, topics that arose during rounds gave rise to additional content on our blog (here and here).

For these reasons and more, we are excited to announce that we have extended our commitment to hosting these virtual rounds on Wednesday afternoons through the month of June. Interested participants need only register once (or not at all had they registered in the month of May) at the following link:

New registrants will be manually approved, and will receive a confirmation soon after. All registrants may submit questions or cases in advance to

MGH Center for Women's Mental Health