Viagra Pill And Generic Viagra For Potency Improvement

By | June 18, 2017

In the beginning of nineties a group of pharmaceutical chemists working at Pfizer was developing prescription medications for treating hypertension and some cardiovascular diseases. Clinical trails suggested that the active element Sildenafil has little effect on angina pectoris but could induce marked penile erections. Some patients even refused to give back remaining drugs, and one of them even broke into the laboratory in order to claim more pills for further use. Pfizer therefore became aware of that they have invented potentially very popular medications. That’s how viagra pill came out.

Not only men over fifty are subject to trouble of potency, but also quite younger men. In average, around 3% of men aged from 20 to 40 years, 15-20% of men aged from 40 to 60 and 30% of men over 70 years have troubles of potency. Regardless of the age, troubles of potency are not normal, since have regular and active sexual life is the inherent of man at any age.

Erectile dysfunction can be cause by many reasons like overwork, stress, depressions (20% of cases), and more often (80%) is related to previous health issues. Fortunately, modern medicine has the reliable solution – viagra pill and generic viagra.

Viagra pill – is a first class option for all kind of organic erectile dysfunctions regardless of their causes.

If you want to substantially save money when you need to purchase drugs for restoring potency, you can buy generic viagra. Generic drug is a cheap pill synthesized identically to the brand pill after the patent expires. Means that generic viagra has the same therapeutic properties as brand viagra, since generic viagra contains the same active element named Sildenafil.

Generic viagra is manufactured my many well known pharmaceutical companies. Since different companies manufacture brand viagra and generic viagra, these pills differ also in color, form and names. For example, in many drug stores, you can buy good quality generic viagra under the trade mark Caverta or Kamagra. Caverta is dark-red triangular tablet and Kamagra is blue quadrangular.

You can get more detailed prescription drug information by contacting companies selling pills. It has become quite easy to purchase generic because of online pharmacies. You can visit an on-line drug store at any convenient for you time and make acquaintance with generic prices and available discount pharmacy.

Generic viagra
Viagra drug, as well as generic viagra, is for treating trouble of potency also called impotence. Important to know that, simply taken generic viagra itself can not cause erection, it’s operates only when there is sexual stimulation. Generic viagra is to be taken with small cup of water around an hour prior to sexual intercourses, it effects last from 4 to 6 hours.

How to take generic viagra?
Better to take generic viagra prior to food, because pills act faster in this case. Otherwise, especially if taken after a heavy meal, the organism will spend more to master the drug and it will act later than expected.

Also better to avoid alcohol in large quantities if you want to gain get maximum effects from generic viagra.
Before taking generic or brand viagra, it is necessary to talk to your doctor. If you were issued a prescription for viagra drug but you want to save money, you can buy good quality generic viagra. Every organism being specific, viagra drug goes well to ones and generic viagra to others. If by taking generic viagra you get the desired result, means these pills are good for you.

Contraindications for generic viagra are the same as for viagra drug. If you’re facing the below mentioned diseases, make sure to the doctor about that before he issues to you any prescription for generic or branded viagra:
– Sickle-cell anemia (change of blood red cells);
– Leukemia (cancer of blood cells);
– Multiple myeloma (bone marrow cancer);
– Penile disease or deformation.
Special cautions can be observed for persons suffering from such diseases when treating them with the use of prescription drugs, which influence trouble of erection.

With the below mentioned diseases, generic or branded viagra can eventually cause undesirable effects:
– rare eye disease called pigment retinitis;
– Stomach ulcer and diseases going with bleedings (hemophilia for example).
Never combine Generic viagra with other substances for treating trouble of potency!
You also must inform the doctor about all the prescription pills you’re currently taking. Viagra drug and generic viagra can interact with some prescription medications, cause undesirable strengthening of other drugs, which are called nitrates (used for treating stenocardia). If you’re taking such prescription medications, you must avoid taking viagra drug.
Never take viagra drug if you were ever allergic to these pills or to any substance composing that prescription drug.

If a doctor does not recommend you to take viagra pills, please make sure to follow his recommendations.
Influence of viagra drug on posterity According to the studies conducted by the company Pfizer, viagra drug do not influence on the fertility. The activity of spermatozoids of men-volunteers was analyzed before and after taking viagra drug. Volunteers were proposed each to take 100 mg of viagra drug, afterwards their sperm was analyzed. It was then clinically established that viagra drug does not influence neither the quality of the sperm nor the quantity and activity of spermatozoids it contains.

Side effects
Like many other prescription medications, generic viagra and viagra drug can cause some undesirable effects. But they are usually insignificant and last not too long. Headaches and flushing are the most frequent side effects. It’s rare to have trouble of digestion, giddiness, stuffy nose and change of sight.

Dosage of generic viagra
When recommending to you viagra drug or generic viagra, the doctor will indicate the right appropriated dose. For the majority of men 50 mg is the right one, but depending on the effectiveness and tolerance to drug, the dose can be increased up to 100 mg or decrease to 25 mg. Important to know that taking higher dose of drug does not mean better effects.

Do not overpass the dose recommended to you by the doctor. Never take more than one tablet of viagra drug a day. Anyway, if you took more tablets than recommended by the doctor, immediately contact a doctor.

Advantages of generic or branded viagra drug
Special cautions for driving cars or any other engine are not required when taking generic viagra or viagra drug. Scientists came to the conclusion that use of viagra drug after a heart attack (or stroke) positively influences the brain work. It was also clinically established that viagra and other pills with similar effects are safe for diabetic men.

Moreover, some researchers think that generic viagra helps the protecting of animals. Now Generic and brand viagra drug exists, useless to take from animals their skins which were previously used to prepare elixirs for increasing potency.

Viagra pill have already helped million of men all around the world to have an intensive sexual life. And generic viagra made that pleasure affordable for more people.

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