Top 10 Mosquito Control Killers

By | January 2, 2018

Mosquitoes are arguably one of, if not the most, annoying insect on the planet. A mosquito’s bite can and usually does ruin all outdoor functions during the spring and summer months. I’m not going to bore you with the biology of mosquitoes, but what I will do is provide you with the knowledge and the tools you’ll need to control them.

Top 10 Mosquito Control Killers

1. Mechanical Control – This is where you should always start. Mechanical control is when you eliminate the mosquito’s source of breeding. If there are no places for mosquito larvae to hatch and become adults, you’ve just eliminated most of the problem. Old tires, flower pots, swimming pools, bird baths, clogged gutters and impressions in the ground are all ideal mosquito breeding havens. Remove water after rains from anything the can and will hold moisture. Repairing screen doors, door sweeps, etc also will eliminate entry points into the house.

2. Mosquito Repellent – There are numerous mosquito repellents on the market. DEET is usually the main ingredient, but anything over 20% is a waste. So read the label carefully before buying. Lotions like Skin so Soft, and various brands of Citronella products like Tiki torches and bucket candles are also very popular.

3. Mosquito dunks – Mosquito dunks are a larvicide which kills the mosquito larvae by preventing them from growing into adults, and or contaminating the larvae’s food source (bacteria, algae etc). Some mosquito dunks can be quite costly. Only use dunks in standing stagnant water that doesn’t go away. Please read the LABEL before applying, because it’s not intended for large bodies of water.

4. Mosquito Trap / Magnet – The mosquito magnet (also known as a mosquito trap) is the Cadillac of all mosquito control systems. Mosquito magnets are propane operated and require the use of Octenol or Lurex (depending on what types of mosquitoes are in the area you live). The combination of CO2 and Octenol mimic a human breath, which in turn attracts mosquitoes to the location of the trap. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you should seriously consider one of these. The Skeetervac mosquito trap is also very effective.

5. Mosquito Net / Netting – Mosquito nets are very popular for outdoor events such as camping. Netting comes in all forms from gazebos, head netting and various styles for sleeping outdoors. Netting is great, but again, treating the source is always the best.

6. Mosquito zapper – This is the easy way out, but not the best form of mosquito control. Although it’s cool to hear mosquitoes get electrocuted while throwing down a cold one, mosquitoes are not as prone to lights like moths and other insects.

7. Mosquito Fogger – Mosquito fogging is not a long term solution, but will give you quick relief. Mosquitoes are territorial, so fogging will kill adult mosquito populations very fast, but is not a long term solution. Wind is also a factor, so if the wind speeds are above 3mph, fogging will not be as effective, if at all.

8. Mosquito Spray – Another control method is using a residual pesticide to treat areas where mosquitoes might rest during the day. After a mosquito lands on a treated area they will die. Under eaves, trees, bushes or any dark shaded area where it’s nice and cool is the ideal location to treat. Some sprays are not intended for plants because the chemical could be phototoxic to plants. Remember to always READ THE LABEL before using insecticides.

9. Lighting – Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide that is generated from the breathing of an animal or human. So don’t waste your money on those fancy yellow lights if you’re trying to limit mosquito activity.

10. Diet / Natural Predators – Yes, there are certain types of foods and pills that can act as a natural mosquito repellent. Garlic pills for people and brewers yeast for pets are becoming more and more popular for people who are going Green. There are numerous stores online and locally that sell these products.

One last thing, if you live in an area where you have an abundance of mosquito natural predators such as dragon flies, frogs and bats; leave them alone. Let nature do its thing. Be thankful you have some help from the wildlife with your pest control issues.

To learn more about proven and effective methods of controlling and killing mosquitoes and for free information, please visit: