TINTED ZincO – SPF 20 (2 oz)

By | March 24, 2018
TINTED ZincO - SPF 20 (2 oz)

Tinted ZincO SPF 20 is a sunscreen that contains 14.5% microfine dimethicone-coated zinc oxide as the active ingredient. This percentage of microfine zinc oxide is one of the highest among similar products on the market. Since it is a physical sunblock, ZincO offers broad-spectrum protection from both UVA and UVB rays. It is also an excellent barrier cream that protects a damaged epidermis from the elements. This attribute is particularly helpful to individuals with rosacea who are prone to flushing episodes. ZincO soothes their skin and helps reduce flushing. Tinted ZincO imparts a flesh-colored hue that is attractive and so subtle that both women and men feel comfortable wearing it. Moreover, Tinted ZincO is notably effective in concealing facial redness and blemishes. While this product was developed for rosaceans, it is highly recommended for anyone who wishes to use a fine physical sunblock.

  • ZincO offers broad-spectrum protection from both UVA and UVB rays
  • While this product was developed for rosaceans, it is highly recommended for anyone who wishes to use a fine physical sunblock.
  • Tinted ZincO SPF 20 is a sunscreen that contains 14.5% microfine dimethicone-coated zinc oxide as the active ingredient.

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