Measles is one of the infectious diseases that’s been causing health troubles for many nations including Europe. In 2019, the World Health Organization[1] announced significantly high measles cases reported in 42 countries of the European region. The worst-case number was 13 mortality cases in 3 countries: Romania, Albania, and Ukraine. The mortality rate in Ukraine, unfortunately, reached the highest peak among these countries.
So what is measles? How could it raise the death rate? And how the measles outbreak Europe happen? Here in this article, we can figure out all these questions.
Measles Outbreak Europe
Reports in 2018 shows that about 537,303 children in the cohort (representing 2,129,864 person-years), 440,655 (82.0 percent) had received the MMR vaccine[2]. But the outbreak of measles in Europe keeps rising and has no signs of stopping. Why is that? But first, let’s take a glance at some fundamental knowledge about this detrimental disease.
What is measles?
Measles is a highly contagious disease that causes by a certain virus. It’s a serious disease that can be very fatal, especially among young children. When you get infected by this virus, your body will undergo a series of phases.
The first phase is infection and incubation, which happens on the first 10 to 14 days when the virus incubates. During this time, symptoms won’t yet show up.
The second phase is the presence of signs and symptoms, which can be non-specific. First symptoms are mild fever, coming along with a persistent cough, inflaming eyes, sore throat, and runny nose. These symptoms would often last for two to three days.
The third phase is when acute illness and rashes would appear. The rashes consist of tiny red spots, some of which can be slightly raised. In the next few days, the rashes can spread rapidly over the body while the fever can rise drastically. After this period, the rashes slowly fade away starting from the face down to the thighs and feet.

In the first three phases during the communicable period, the disease can actively infect other people in the first four days before the rash comes up and another four days since the rash’s first appearance.
What are the risk factors?
There are three risk factors that can pose risks to your health. Immediately contact a medical emergency to check If you experience to one of 3 factors below: you’ve travelled from countries where measles is common, or you are not vaccinated against measles, or you are deficient in vitamin A.
Why Measles Outbreak in Europe?
The ongoing measles outbreak in Europe, especially in Ukraine, have occured by individuals getting the virus from epidemic places. These unprotected individuals did not either vaccinate or know whether they got vaccinated or not.
In fact, most cases in Europe as well as in the US, occurred in unvaccinated or under-vaccinated patients. Under-vaccinated patients did not have updated measles vaccination, which made them less protected from the measles virus.
The European region still continues to have widely circulated measles infection despite the outbreak response measures because of population immunity gaps[3] and suboptimal vaccination coverage. This is why health organizations and entities continue to advise countries and their respective governments to take precautionary measures.
Country leaders and their health officials should protect their population from measles through high routine and supplemental immunization coverage. Such efforts should be encouraged more since there are no countries that can avoid or prevent importation.
Where is Measles Outbreak in Europe?
The dramatic rise of measles cases in Europe put pressure on the public. There are 42 countries across the European region got detrimental effects because of the outbreak. Even Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan were also in the emergency action response, with each having around 9,000 and 2,000 measles cases respectively.
Measles is already considered to be an epidemic disease[4] in certain parts of Europe. The first four countries were at risk by a drastic rise in measles cases, making Europe a no longer safe from this contagious disease. Health professionals have been calling for the public’s cooperation since there is a decline in vaccination due to the vaccine hesitancy increase.

The health organizations are encouraging everyone to do their best along with the government’s outbreak measures. The outbreak response measures include improving immunization, working with family doctors, addressing parents’ questions and concerns about vaccines; calling for a summit meeting with social media companies to talk about promoting vaccine campaigns.
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control also releases data on their website about the recent measles cases across the region. The health professionals keep reminding everyone that measles does not affect a single age group, but all age groups, hence a much larger vaccination drive is in need.
Of course, you can also check their website for the vaccine schedule, so no one was left behind as a vaccine drive comes.
Ukraine Measles
Since January 2012, over 5100 measles cases have been reported and the number is expected to increase. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health recommends that unvaccinated people traveling to the European Football Championships in Ukraine and Poland should take the vaccine before they travel.
The Ukrainian outbreak located near the border with Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The outbreak then increased in the next few months and spread to more nearby areas. As measles is highly infectious and vaccine coverage in Ukraine is low, there is a high chance of exposure to the measles virus. People who are unvaccinated or not immune to measles are at risk of infection.
Measles is considered the most serious childhood diseases in the childhood immunisation programme in Norway. Of the childhood diseases that can be prevented by vaccine, measles is the most common cause of death globally. Young children and children with other diseases are most at risk for serious complications. However, older children and adults can also become seriously ill with measles.
Increased Risk During The European Football Championships In 2012
The risk of contracting measles and other infectious diseases, as predicted, increased during the European Football Championships (EURO2012) taking place in Poland and Ukraine from the 8th June to 1st July 2012. Large crowds gathered in both football stadiums and city areas, which promoted the spread of infectious diseases.
Vaccination for Measles Outbreak in Ukraine
Vaccine advice
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health recommends that anyone traveling to the Ukraine should be protected against measles, either as a result of previous infection or vaccination. Unvaccinated adults are recommended to take one dose of the MMR vaccine before traveling. Protection against measles is effective two to three weeks after vaccination, so the vaccine should be taken in good time before departure. People who have had measles are immune and do not need to take the vaccine.
Additionally, children can get vaccination from 9 months of age. If the first MMR vaccine[5] has happened before 12 months of age, the child should receive a second dose at 15 months.
Vaccination can fight against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) and polio, according to previous research. People who have previously been shot MMR vaccine should have a booster dose every 10 years.
Low Vaccine Coverage In Ukraine
In recent years, vaccine coverage in Ukraine has decreased significantly, and according to reports from the WHO / UNICEF in 2010, vaccine coverage was 56 per cent for one dose[6] of MMR vaccine and 41 per cent for two doses. Low vaccine coverage has also been reported for other vaccines (diphtheria-tetanus-whooping cough 52 per cent, polio 58 per cent).
Measles is highly contagious. The low vaccine coverage in Ukraine means that the measles virus can spread rapidly in the population. It is expected that the ongoing outbreak will spread unless effective vaccination campaigns are conducted in the unvaccinated part of the population. Due to generally low vaccine coverage in Ukraine, there is also the risk of outbreaks of other vaccine-preventable diseases such as rubella (German measles), mumps, polio and diphtheria.
Since the vaccine coverage in Norway is 95 per cent, the risk of an outbreak of measles in this country is small.
In Norway, measles immunization involves two doses of MMR vaccine given at 15 months of age and in the 6th grade in school.
The measles outbreak Europe calls forth for more serious measures to battle with this contagious disease that can affect anyone. Therefore, everyone should take vaccination with measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine for widespread immunity against this fatal disease.
Frequently Asked Questions
Call your doctor immediately if you think that your child has been exposed to measles virus or if your child has rashes that resemble measles rashes. You also need to review your family’s vaccination records before any of your children attends elementary, college, or if anyone in your family is traveling internationally.
When someone contracts the disease, the virus replicates in the nose or throat of anyone who is infected. The person who is infected poses a threat to everyone because when he/she coughs, sneezes, or talks, the infected droplets can get into the air and other people can inhale them. Additionally, the infected droplets can fall in certain surfaces where they can stay active and contagious for several hours. You can then get infected when you touch your skin after being exposed to the infected surface.
These are complications you can possibly acquire when you have measles – ear infection, pneumonia, bronchitis, encephalitis, and pregnancy problems for pregnant women.