Sleep Disorders and Sleep Promotion in Nursing Practice

By | September 27, 2017
Sleep Disorders and Sleep Promotion in Nursing Practice

2011 AJN Book of the Year Winner in Gerontologic Nursing!

Sleep medicine texts have been available for decades, [but]…this is the first “Sleep Nursing” text to fill an important gap from a nursing perspective.”–Nurse Education in Practice

This book is unique in that it examines sleep and sleep disorders from a nursing perspective…It is a valuable resource for academic nursing, as well as a relevant and useful companion for clinical nursing professionals.” Score: 94, 4 stars.–Doody’s Medical Reviews

This comprehensive volume presents the latest scientific evidence on health promotion, prevention, and treatment for sleep and sleep disorders. This graduate textbook and reference guide provides strategies for promoting normal sleep, caring for disordered sleep, and supporting sleep in health care settings.

Written by leading nursing experts, this book is an invaluable source for graduate educators and students, as well as practitioners and researchers caring for patients suffering from sleep disorders.

Key Features:

  • Contains a digital Teacher’s Guide and curriculum module
  • Covers important topics in sleep medicine: insomnia, breathing and movement disorders, narcolepsy, circadian rhythm disorders, chronic conditions, psychiatric disorders, and pediatric issues
  • Provides treatment options for sleep disorders in a variety of health care settings
  • Highlights issues in primary care, as well as alternative/complimentary health care

An instructor’s guide is available upon request.

  • Used Book in Good Condition