50 Skinny Meals To Minimize Liver Damage-Eat Right With Fatty Liver Disease
Changing your eating habits and starting a proper diet is the most crucial part of fatty liver treatment. We need to cut your body fat! It’s all about eating the correct foods for fatty liver. Fatty liver is just what it sounds like: a build-up of fat in the liver. The medical term for fatty liver is steatosis. While a small quantity of fat is considered normal, if more than five to ten percent of your liver’s weight is attributed to fat, you have fatty liver. The liver is a vital organ whose job is to filter all harmful substances from the blood. Conditions such as a fatty liver can inhibit this process. Fatty liver is reversible if you make lifestyle and behavioral changes. In the early stages, this condition presents with no symptoms and does not result in permanent damage. However, when repeated damage occurs to the liver, permanent scarring can take the place of normal liver cells. This is called liver cirrhosis. Buy your copy today!