60 Day Money Back Guarantee If you have any of the following back conditions Sit and Decompress can help *Low Back Pain *Sciatica *Scoliosis * Degenerative Disc Disease *Disc Bulge * Disc Herniation * Uneven Pelvis *Spinal Stenosis *Shrinking in height How Sit and Decompress works – Low back pain is actually very simple to treat with Sit and Decompress. Gravity squeezes us down to the earth everyday and if you have an injury that injury may never have a good opportunity to heal because of this constant pressure. A good example to illustrate this is, A garden hose that has water flowing thru it undisturbed, then you drive over the garden hose with your car. What happens to the water flow? It slow down. Right? It may even stop if you are on it long enough. So in order to get the water flowing again you must remove the obstacles(pressure). Well your spine condition is the same as the garden hose. If continued pressure is left on it the flow of nutrients and healthy blood can not heal the tissue. You must remove the obstacle (pressure). If this goes on for any length of time you will develop chronic low back pain. Do not let this happen. Decompressing the spine is taking pressure off of the spine and the injured tissue. This will allow your injured back to heal much more quickly. (garden hose/car tire) Once that pressure is reduced or relieved, your back injury either chronic or acute may heal and you become virtually pain free. To see a demo visit our website.
- Spinal Decompression in the comfort of your home. 20-25% Increase in Disc Space with X-ray Evidence. After selling thousands of harnesses and listening we have found that wrapping a towel around your ribs then wrapping the harness around can help with accommodating different size and shaped people.
- Back Pain Relief. Sit and Decompress can virtually help all low back injuries and condtions.
- Improve your back range of motion. Decreases back stiffness. The best treatment for back arthritis.
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. Designed with simplicity in mind. We recommend you use a door way chin up bar. Using the chin up bar makes it easy to set up and put away while not in use.
- Made In Ohio – We have X-ray proof of a 20-25% increase in disc space instantly while using Sit and Decompress. X-rays were taken before starting treatment and during treatment. All discs showed a 20% increase in disc space with a couple discs showing 25% increase is space. This is an industry first study proving decompression therapy to the spine works and a measurable amount of disc space improvement. Sit and Decompress Therapy is the only to have real time x-ray proof.