Short-Term & Long-Term Side-Effects of Ambien Sleeping Tablets

By | June 26, 2017

Ambien is a type of sedative that is also known by the name Zolpidem. This sleep medicine is quite popular for treating insomnia and other sleep problems. This drug promotes sleep by acting on the brain to produce a relaxing effect.

However, just like other drugs, Ambien sleeping tablets can be dangerous if they are misused. A person who gets addicted to these pills will suffer from numerous short term and long term side-effects. Let’s learn about the harmful side-effects of Ambien tablets on those who misuse them.

Short Term Side-Effects

Ambien is a sedative that consists of habit-forming compounds. If you continue to take this sleeping pill for a long period of time, then it might become addictive. If you misuse these pills for a small period of time, then you might suffer from short term side-effects including the following:DrowsinessHeadachesNauseaMemory lossThese pills have the ability to become addictive, which means that unless you have severe insomnia, it is better to not opt for these pills. The best way to ensure that you are on the right track is to see a doctor and get to a solution. It is also suggested that Ambien be used for a brief period of time; maximum 4 weeks. If you keep consuming them after a month, you will notice short-term side-effects.

Long-Term Side Effects

Ambien is addictive, which means if you continue to take it for several months, you will become highly dependent on the drug. And there will come a time that you will be taking these pills without realising. Ambien addicts face many hardships and health complications if they continue to misuse the drug.

The long-term side-effects of this sleep medicine can be exhausting. Ambien addicts also develop tolerance for the drug, which means that the dose that worked before doesn’t make any difference. When an Ambien user builds tolerance, they begin to take a higher dose. Tolerance is the biggest long-term side-effect of Ambien tablets.

Another long-term side effect that may make an individual suffer is the worsening of insomnia. Those who misuse Ambien suffer from an even worse type of insomnia that is accompanied by painful symptoms.

Although overdosing on Ambien pills is not so common, but those who have built tolerance against these drugs often take higher doses which may result in an overdose or loss of consciousness. Those who are addicted to these sleeping pills often feel dizzy and drowsy all day long, which results in poor performance.

Making the Most of Ambien

Ambien is an extremely effective sleep medicine that helps treat insomnia and numerous other sleep disorders. This means that if used correctly, following a doctor’s advice, one can benefit from this pill and treat their sleep problem.

In order to treat your sleep disorder in a healthy way using Ambien sleeping tablets, make sure you consume them for 2 to 4 weeks only. If your condition doesn’t improve after a week, talk to your doctor.