Reversing Diabetes Mistakes

By | August 21, 2018

Almost everyone who has diabetes will try to reverse it in one form or another. The problem however, is that without proper training they will make mistakes and some of these might be enough to put their life in serious danger. Always ask for help if you are unsure of anything you are doing. But, if you are under a Physicians care you should ask about any changes you might want to make just to be safe. The life you save might be your own. Here are some common mistakes people make. Check it out.

1. Rushing in blind

Look before you leap. Your life and health are worth more than that. Be sure of the decisions you make either talk to someone or at least look up the information on the internet. There is a mountain of information everywhere all you have to do is look.

2. Setting reasonable limits  

Depending on the severity of your Diabetes don’t over exert yourself. Make sure you have medication and refreshments available if necessary. It never hurts to have someone nearby.   Also, don’t overdo the wrong kinds of foods. Foods high on the glycemic index will spike your insulin levels so be careful.

3. Creating achievable goals

Don’t create goals for yourself that are too high for you to reach and you give up on them. Be reasonable, you can always raise them later. It helps to keep a diary some kind.

4. Don’t worry about failing

Goals are there to be achieved. If you set them right they should be attainable. If you had set your goals too high to begin with, reset them and start over. Just don’t give up.

5. Family and Friends

We all need support sometimes, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If they care enough about you, they would be happy to help if they can even it it’s just someone to lean on for a bit.

With perseverance and dedication anything is possible. All of us with diabetes have our strengths and weaknesses and the help of loved ones when needed. I hope this article on common mistakes helps and good luck with your goals and never give up. Just remember, to be positive and believe. That is half of the battle. So if you fall, get back in the saddle and try again. Sooner or later you will see and feel the benefit. Now, go win it. You have everything to gain.

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