Peritan FP 1oz – herbal dietary supplement with herbs that have antibiotic properties

By | March 22, 2018
Peritan FP 1oz - herbal dietary supplement with herbs that have antibiotic properties

Peritan FPTM is a new herbal dietary supplement with herbs that have antibiotic properties that was developed by our Research & Development team to help cats fight against F.I.P (a worldwide viral disease of cats that can affect many systems of the body. It is a progressive disease and almost always fatal). But this powerful antibiotic like tincture will also help ALL animals to: Boost Immunity, fight viruses and bacteria, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, cancel free radicals, reduce spasms and help increase appetite. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

  • Peritan FP Contains: Cats Claw, Macela, Ethyl Alchol, Filtered Water
  • CAUTION: Peritan FPTM has a four year shelf life.DO NOT USE WITH BAYTRIL OR TAMIFLU. DO NOT give to animals with diabetes. This product may cause temporary sterilization. As with any food product, herbs can antagonize allergies in your pet. Stop giving Peritan FP if you see any of the following: Rash, hives, edema (swelling), diarrhea, or blood in stools. If your pet has a reaction and take to a veterinarian. (Have your vet treat for symptoms.) May cause miscarriage in some animals.

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