The War Waging Against Financial Freedom

In The Last American Vagabond video above, you can watch Agustín Carstens, general manager for the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), spell out exactly why globalists are promoting central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, so heavily. “[With] cash we don’t know, for example, who’s using a $ 100 bill today,” he says. “We don’t know… Read More »

myWorld expands in Asia

myWorld, the operator of one of the largest benefit programmes in the world, will continue to expand its presence on the Asian market. Listing on the stock exchange, opening new markets and introducing innovative shopping technologies are some of the steps planned by myWorld Asia, the Kuala Lumpur-based subsidiary of the myWorld International group. myWorld… Read More »

iTAC and Brose develop Industry 4.0 solutions for automated SMT production

Montabaur – What saving potential and process optimizations can automation bring to SMT production? This and other questions are being addressed by the MES/MOM specialist iTAC Software AG in a pilot project for the automotive supplier Brose. The use cases are based on an IIoT platform with edge solutions from iTAC with the goal of… Read More »

Beef Producers Panic Over mRNA Vaccine News

Last week, I reported that pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds since 20181 — without telling the public. This issue really only rose to the surface after attorney Tom Renz started promoting new legislation in Missouri (House Bill 1169,2 which he helped write) that would require labeling of mRNA products.3… Read More »