Nissen Fundoplication – Acid Reflux Treatments

By | April 8, 2018

Acid reflux occurs when there is an over production of stomach acid or a faulty valve at the base of the esophagus was not able keep the stomach acid from entering the esophagus. In both cases, the tissues that are present in the esophagus are irritated which results to heartburn. This condition is characterized by a burning sensation in the throat and pain, if left untreated, it can result in damage to the esophageal tissues.

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People have two alternatives in eradicating this problem, the conventional method or natural acid reflux treatments. Individuals who have attempted to get a solution from their doctor were given prescription medications.

These medications might seem to be helpful for the purpose, but the downside of it is once an individual stop taking them the symptoms recurs and eventually the body will become used to this and the process continues. For this reason, most people find it better to use natural acid reflux treatments to address this problem.

According to research, using fennel seeds will greatly help in reducing the episodes of acid reflux. This herb will tremendously boost your digestive process since it contains a compound called anethole, which controls the spasms of the stomach and even the gastro intestinal tract. It will be ideal to chew about one half teaspoon of fennel seeds after every meals to get relief from this condition.

Natural acid reflux treatments also include apple cider vinegar. You may find it ironic due to the fact that you will be using an acid to actually treat this problem. However, taking this treatment on a regular basis, mixed with water each time you eat will actually lend a hand in getting rid of this condition that you are suffering from. So next time you have an acid reflux attack, instead of reaching out for your antacids or any prescription drugs, you might as well try these natural treatments first and see for yourself how effective they are without any side effects.

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This author writes about Heartburn Natural Remedies at Nissen Fundoplication