New medicine raises hope for Alzheimer's treatment

By | January 1, 2019

British scientists have developed a new medicine that may prevent and even stop brain cells degeneration. The medicine was made from Brussel sprouts and carrots, both rich in vitamin A.

Researchers from the University of Aberdeen and Durham developed synthetic vitamin A after a two-year project that cost $ 250,000.

They recently announced that they were one step closer to treating Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). They added that vitamin A, which transforms into retinoic acid, have a vital role in the development of the nervous system being degrading by the body. The vitamin is abundant in Brussels sprouts and carrots.

The head of the research team, professor Peter McCaffery said, “We are making progress on developing a medicine that will eventually be used to treat of Alzheimer’s.”

McCaffery added that they have made good progress in producing new medicines to protect nerve cells, although their work is at an early stage.

Retinoic acid plays a significant role in the formation of the eyes and brain of babies in the womb. It also affects the formation of nerves, which have an important role in growing, senses and brain activity.

Experts say that diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s are triggered when these nerves are destroyed. They decrease brain activities, cause uncontrolled movements of muscles and may even be fatal.

The researchers added that they hope high retinoic acid in the body will prevent degeneration of nerve cells and may even increase the number of cells.

McCaffery added that they try to form supertypes of vitamin A in order to increase its effects on the human body. He said that they have come a long way since 2016 and already applied for a patent.

Daily Sabah – Health