Negative Effects Of Stimulant Addiction On The Body

By | June 23, 2017

In order to address various health problems, medications are given by medical doctors. Nevertheless, there are particular drugs that when taken have side effects People continue using the drug because it allows them to feel unexplainable happiness. But, they don’t know that such drugs could put their lives at risk.

The most common drug abused around the globe are stimulants as well as pain killers. Most drug abusers are satisfied with its effect that they often forget that it will eventually limit their odds of living a healthy and fruitful life. Some of the most recognized stimulants as well as painkillers abused are Desoxyn, Codeine, Cocaine, Ecstacy, caffeine, Nicotine and other prescription drugs.

You can find underneath some of the unwanted effects of these drugs once taken in large doses for a long stretch of time.

Cardio Diseases

Cardio problems are common to those people who are dependent on Desoxyn. The common symptoms of cardiovascular problems are hypertension, increased pulse rate and vasoconstriction.

Depression and Suicidal Ideation

Abuse of desoxyn leaves an individual with two conditions. First is depression and second is death. Depression, if not managed normally leads to suicidal attempts. That is why many drug addicts are usually hospitalized since they try to terminate their life.

Dry Mouth

An individual may experience dry mouth or xerostomia.This consequence is quite uncomfortable but is easy to manage when addressed early.


This problem should be managed appropriately as it can put one’s life at risk. This just implies that a person dependent on Codeine will most likely experience a false sensory perception.

Breathing Problems

This implies that the individual may experience shortness of breath or medically known as hyperventilation. This condition is usually a common complication of codeine addiction.


This brain activity is often a result of opioid abuse. People abusing such drugs will certainly experience this incapacitating condition.


Addiction of codeine always results in this condition. Itchiness all over the body and in some cases bloating are some of the most common side effects of this medication. It is best to consult a physician before using the substance.

These negative effects are just some of the many conditions that drug abusers may experience. As you can notice, it can certainly put someone’s life in danger. So if you know someone who is abusing these prescription drugs, try to convince them to seek medical help. Treatment may be hard at first however with the aid of efficient health care specialists, everything will be handled properly.

You can employ the web to locate web pages that feature details regarding where to go and whom to approach if someone has to be rehabilitated. It is really crucial that the rehab center should be conducive for treatment and possesses amenities for faster recovery.

Abuse of desoxyn as well as codeine addiction brings about numerous health problems. The information’s that you may discover in here would be useful if you know someone abusing the substance. Check out our sites and save someone’s life.