South Australia’s pubs, clubs and restaurants are set for a boost with a big jump in the number of patrons allowed inside.
Under COVID-19 measures to be lifted from Friday, venues will be allowed to cater for up to 300 people at a time.
But no more than 75 people will be allowed in any one area and the one person to every four square metre rule will still apply.
Other changes include a move to allow dance and fitness class to cater for up to 20 people at a time, provided they allow seven square metres for each person.
All participants will also be required to provide their name and phone number or an email address and the trainer must retain a record of those contact details.
The new arrangements come after SA also lifted some border restrictions earlier this week, allowing people to come from Western Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory without the need to quarantine for 14 days.
It also announced plans to allow school assemblies, excursions and camps from June 29 along with the school sport competitions, sports days and carnivals.
Education Minister John Gardner said students, staff and families across the state would welcome the return of school activities.
He said the changes would provide a sense of schools returning to normal from Term 3.
Australian Associated Press