Many people’s best memories include light-hearted moments with loved ones, full of laughter and giggles. Comedy is a great way to forge bonds and spread joy.
But the laughter and giggles that comedy brings undermine people’s regard for it. People are too busy enjoying the products of it that the work that goes into making the work misses the recognition it deserves. Memes are a modern way of comedy, they have a strong presence on social media and tickle people of all age groups.
Ashish Singh, the social media entrepreneur from Pali, Marwar has built a strong follower base of 6 million followers on Instagram.
He runs the @singles.society, @bcbillu, @log.Kis.kisko.tokenge, @hutia_minati, @69harami, @dankbedroomtales accounts on Instagram. His personal account on the platform is @myself.ashish.
Ashish started an Instagram account in 2016 without much thought of finding success on the platform. He simply set up a profile to connect with his peers on social media.
Slowly as he spent more time on social media he learnt more about the world of memes and what the scope of running a successful meme page is.
To explore these possibilities, he himself set up a meme page and today he is a top player in the meme community.
He did encounter some difficulties along the way, but he has persevered through all of them and come out stronger at the end of each battle.
In the beginning, Ashish didn’t get much support from his family – in our society, any venture apart from education rarely does – he kept his work under wraps for a while. He worked 16-18 hours per day, growing his account and making content. He also borrowed some money to invest in the growth of his pages.
Today all of his pages have garnered a strong community, one of Ashish’s pages has hit one million followers.
Ashish Singh lives by the words, “Do something you love, and you won’t ever have to work a day in your life”, and advises them to anyone who asks him about the secret to his success. He has been able to find such immense success because he found his passion and turned it into his profession. Since his heart is in the trade, he is able to work without any complaints or feeling tired.
Despite all the feathers in his cap, Ashish Singh doesn’t plan on stopping. He plans on growing his pages more, by 2025 he means to expand his follower base to 25 million.
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