Know How To See The Warning Signs And Defeat Vicodin Addiction

By | January 14, 2017

Vicodin addiction is something that more and more Americans as well as their loved ones deal with each year. Vicodin is a medicine prescribed by doctors to help alleviate severe physical pain. Men and women usually start taking Vicodin as a painkiller and then come to be addicted to the effects it has on their body. Very often, users state that the effects of Vicodin produce a sense of euphoria and freedom from pain. For that reason, they begin to misuse the medicine even in the absence of pain sensation.

This particular addiction is very serious and can typically destroy the lives of those who suffer from it. Addiction to Vicodin can impact all aspects of a persons daily life, including mental and physical wellness, associations with other people, spiritual health, and psychological health. Below you will discover more details about how to recognize Vicodin addiction and tips on how to find appropriate treatment if you feel that you or a family member has become hooked on Vicodin.

The Effects of Vicodin Abuse The effects of Vicodin abuse are often harmful to the body and mind. Most people see side effects just after abusing the medication, whereas other people don’t notice any results for a long period of time. Some of the warning signs of Vicodin dependency include things like hives, swelling around the face, hallucinations, vertigo, and queasiness. Some others say that using Vicodin assists them to escape the world and to avoid all pain. Most of these unwanted side effects are due to the abuse of the Acetaminophen in Vicodin, an ingredient normally present in medications such as Tylenol.

Acetaminophen works as a type of aspirin that helps in pain relief. Vicodin is hazardous because it contains a high dosage of Acetaminophen that should not be used on a normal schedule. If Vicodin is used on a regular basis, the brain quits producing its own endorphins, and individuals begin to rely on the drug for this sense of euphoria. And then, both the mind and the body start to feel the need for Vicodin.

Probably the most crucial indication of Vicodin addiction is the craving to use Vicodin even when there is no pain. A large number of addicts take anywhere between thirty and one hundred pills daily. This has detrimental consequences on the body, and frequently contributes to the breakdown of the immune system.

Sometimes, this particular addiction can cause a coma or even loss of life. Even so, many continue to be dependent on the effects this medication generates. Some addicts will go to remarkable measures to acquire Vicodin in an effort to feel the results it creates in their bodies, from time to time robbing or lying to physicians to have a prescription. This kind of behavior can be destructive to family life as well, and loved ones often worry about those who they think might have an addiction. Addicts will do anything to get their pills, often hurting other people along the way. However, it is possible to overcome this addictive behavior.

Vicodin Detox Vicodin detoxing will be the primary huge step on the way to healing from Vicodin addiction. This calls for Vicodin withdrawal, which is often hard but is a major step for addicts. This process is usually agonizing, and many people get extremely sick during detox. As a result, some people elect to visit a rehab center for help in the withdrawal process. In a clinical facility, there are always people there to help you during the effects of detoxification and withdrawal.

During Vicodin detoxifying, the body needs to relearn how to function without the influence of outside drugs. This really is painful. However, there are always people there to help along the way. The Vicodin withdrawal period varies from one individual to another. For individuals that needed more pills per day for a longer time frame, the recovery time can also be longer. However, for individuals which just recently became dependent on the drug, recovery should not take as long.

Vicodin Treatment It is vital that you take rehabilitation quite seriously and abide by instructions throughout the process. During the process, both the body and mind need to get accustomed to the absence of Vicodin. This is often a challenging process, so assistance from friends, family, and medical staff is essential in the detox and withdrawal. Recovery from addiction is possible and can be achieved if you’re prepared to work at a better life for yourself and your loved ones. People who go through recovery programs often have great things to say about them.

Find out more about how you or a member of the family can overcome Vicodin Addiction by going to Brad Lamm’s website for Addiction Intervention, Rehabilitation, Therapy, and Guidance.