Insomnia: Psychological Assessment and Management (Treatment Manuals for Practitioners)

By | July 15, 2017
Insomnia: Psychological Assessment and Management (Treatment Manuals for Practitioners)

Insomnia is one of the most frequently reported health problems, yet until the publication of this book, the literature lacked a structured and practical approach for clinical management. This volume addresses the need by offering a complete, multifaceted cognitive-behavioral treatment program for chronic insomnia. Using a conceptual model that emphasizes the interplay between maladaptive behavior patterns and dysfunctional sleep cognitions, the book covers all aspects of assessment and treatment. In addition, it is the first to present a systematic approach to withdrawing drug-dependent insomniacs from hypnotic medications. The book also features particularly useful support materials, including detailed outlines of the structured clinical interview for insomnia, sequential therapy sessions, sleep diaries, questionnaires, and other handouts.

  • Used Book in Good Condition