Information On Different Types Of Contraception Posted By : Ian Caspar

By | September 26, 2018

A high percentage of women around the world use some or the other form of contraception. With the introduction of hormonal contraceptive methods, it has become much easier for women to control whether they want to become pregnant or not. Oral contraceptive pills are a type of hormonal contraceptive method which consists of artificial female hormones. The other hormonal contraceptive methods are contraceptive rings and contraceptive patches. Although oral contraceptive pills have been the most popular method, the other two methods are also gaining popularity at a fast pace.

What are contraceptive rings?

Contraceptive rings are one of the popular hormonal contraceptive methods, which have helped thousands of women to prevent pregnancy. They are small, thin, flexible and light rings, which you need to place inside your vagina. NuvaRing is the most popularly used contraceptive ring by women, which is as effective as any combination pill. It consists of ethinylestradiol (artificial oestrogen) and etonogestrel (artificial progestogen) as its active ingredients. You can buy NuvaRing on prescription or through any of the registered online clinics. You are required to wear the ring for 3 weeks of your 28 day menstrual cycle.

What are contraceptive patches?

Contraceptive patches are also one of the popular hormonal contraceptive methods, which have helped thousands of women to prevent pregnancy. They have proven to be almost 100% effective in protecting women against unplanned pregnancy. The birth control Evra patch is the most popularly used contraceptive patch and has been proven to be almost 100% effective in preventing pregnancy in women. It consists of ethinylestradiol (artificial oestrogen) and norelgestromin (artificial progestogen) as its active ingredients. You are required to apply the patch on your abdomen or upper arm for 3 weeks of your 28 day menstrual cycle. You need to change the patch every three to four days.

What is emergency contraception?

Contraception is used by the majority of couples, either in the form of condoms or daily contraception. Until recently, men used condoms as a means of contraception, but contraceptive accidents such as condom tears or slips can often lead to complications. Even failure of your daily contraception can lead to unplanned pregnancy. Contraceptive accidents such as these are quite inevitable and are as such difficult to control over. Under such circumstances, you can use emergency contraception, also known as the morning after pill, such as Levonelle or ellaOne.

What is ellaOne?

One of the most popular emergency contraception is ellaOne, which has helped thousands of women by preventing pregnancy. It consists of ulipristal acetate as its active ingredient, which is a synthetic version of progestogen. This pill is gaining popularity at a fast pace because of the effectiveness period of the pill. You can take this pill up to 120 hours or 5 days after having unprotected sexual encounter. But the pill is most effective if taken within the first couple of days, as the effectiveness can reduce as time passes. This pill has been proven to be almost 98% effective in preventing women from becoming pregnant. Women Health And Fitness | Birth Control