In Brief: Being An Older Dad Associated with Worse Pregnancy Outcomes

By | November 14, 2018

This study is something to keep in mind when we evaluate neonatal outcomes in mothers taking psychotropic medication.  We typically consider maternal, but not paternal, characteristics as factors which may affect neonatal outcomes; however, this large study published in BMJ indicates that the age of the father may also affect neonatal outcomes.  

Researchers examined data on 40 million live births between 2007 and 2016. After adjusting for maternal age and other potential confounders, they observed that the children born to fathers aged 45 and older were more likely to be born prematurely, have lower Apgar scores, and be admitted to the neonatal ICU, compared with the children born to fathers aged 25 to 34.  In addition, when fathers were older, mothers were more likely to experience gestational diabetes.


Ruta Nonacs, MD PhD

Association of paternal age with perinatal outcomes between 2007 and 2016 in the United States: population based cohort study.  BMJ 2018;363:k4372


Read More:

Dad’s Age May Play Role in Pregnancy Outcomes (HealthDay)

How does paternal age affect a baby’s health? (Mayo Clinic)

Tick-tock–for healthy mums and kids, dad’s age counts (Medical Xpress)

MGH Center for Women's Mental Health