HumanaNatura Health Alliances

By | March 13, 2017

Whether you use the HumanaNatura natural health system on your own or with the assistance of an experienced HumanaNatura practitioner, our four health techniques will help you to achieve greatly increased health awareness and your breakthrough to a remarkable new state we call progressive health-centered life.
HumanaNatura is a cooperative and non-profit organization, supporting and supported by a global network of practitioner-advocates who use and promote the HumanaNatura system in communities around the world.
Welcome to HumanaNatura — a natural revolution in modern life and health.
HumanaNatura is a powerful, open-ended system for individual and collective health promotion. The HumanaNatura system is free for personal and non-profit use, and you can use it right away to measurably improve your own health, fitness, and quality of life.

HumanaNatura begins with the science and key lessons of flourishing life in nature, and advocates a practical, progressive, and ultimately revolutionary new approach to the way we think about and pursue modern life and health today.

The HumanaNatura approach involves the ongoing use of four integrated natural health techniques. Together, HumanaNatura’s health techniques guide and even accelerate us toward a now waiting modern opportunity for dramatically increased natural well-being and quality of life. HumanaNatura’s techniques also show how modern science can be used by individuals and groups to create an optimally healthy, naturally fulfilling, and more adaptive approach to life, in our time and for the future.

All of us who are part of HumanaNatura’s revolutionary new approach to modern life share a common mission and essential new focus — advancing human life through the science and power of progressive natural health.
Our progressive approach to life and health

HumanaNatura offers two health science programs, introducing and providing step-by-step guidance in the use of the four techniques of our progressive natural health system.

First is HumanaNatura’s seven-part Personal Health Program. This comprehensive introduction to health-centered contemporary living outlines the HumanaNatura natural health system, challenges common thinking about our health and natural vitality, and introduces all four of HumanaNatura’s science-based health techniques. The program encourages new appreciation and the ongoing pursuit of our waiting modern potential for intentionally progressive and naturally health-seeking life.
Our second program is HumanaNatura’s innovative Community Health Program. This eight-part guide to collective or public health promotion addresses our modern need and opportunity for strong and deliberately progressive health and quality of life action in the larger social environments where our personal health and individual lives ultimately occur. The program is designed to train and assist HumanaNatura practitioner-advocates in the health-centered leadership of local communities and regional governments, and in the support of these efforts at the national and international level.

HumanaNatura’s two health science programs combine to examine, redefine, and transform our life and health potential in the modern age. Together, they show how revolutionary new well-being and quality of life are available to us all — through a new commitment to informed and enriching personal and collective action modeled on nature’s underlying method of health-seeking progressivity.

HumanaNatura’s comprehensive natural health programs are key elements of our worldwide work to promote health-centered modern life and revolutionary human development through health science education, community-based quality of life advocacy, and new social and governmental leadership. You can become a member of HumanaNatura anytime, and learn about health outreach opportunities in your area, via our Join Us page.
HumanaNatura’s four health techniques

The HumanaNatura health system encourages progressive health understanding and action via four transformative health science techniques. The four HumanaNatura techniques are: 1) Natural Eating, 2) Natural Exercise, 3) Natural Living, and 4) Natural Communities.

A natural revolution in modern life and health.
HumanaNatura is a powerful, open-ended system for individual and collective health promotion. The HumanaNatura system is free for personal and non-profit use, and you can use it right away to measurably improve your own health, fitness, and quality of life.