How Hospital Systems Invest in Digital Health | Brent Stackhouse, Mount Sinai Ventures

By | March 1, 2020

Health Tech


Savvy health tech startups can learn how the differing investment priorities of venture capital funds and strategic investors (those tied to large healthcare organizations like health plans, pharma companies, and health systems) can impact everything from their capital raise to their ability to gain new clients. Brent Stackhouse, Managing Director at Mount Sinai Ventures, talks about the nuances of investing as a strategic, trying to balance a health system’s inherent aversion to risk with the gusto it takes to place good bets on the future of health. Where does a hospital system find investments? Are they looking for clinical solutions or consumer solutions? Brent shares the details behind Mount Sinai’s investment thesis and talks ‘big picture’ about trends he’s seeing in healthcare investing worldwide.

Filmed at Frontiers Health Conference in Berlin, November 2019.

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