Heart Failure: From Complete Heart Failure to Heart Health (Health Science Book 1)

By | March 9, 2017
Heart Failure: From Complete Heart Failure to Heart Health (Health Science Book 1)

”Our knowledge of human biology doubles every four years.”

This makes it nearly impossible for physicians to stay current on the latest research in their own fields let alone in all of the others that directly effect their ability to properly treat their patients.

In this new book by Bio Researcher Ray Reynolds you will learn…

  • How heart muscle cells have the ability to stay alive by hibernating when deprived of oxygen.
  • The four nutrients needed to revive them after the coronary artery blockage has been removed.
  • How to utilize minimum effective doses of heart medications to regulate your blood pressure and pulse.
  • The mechanics and symptoms of heart failure.
  • The prescription medication that is 30% more effective than enalapril and will be available in 2015.

These are just a few of the proven congestive heart failure healing strategies that Ray Reynolds discuses in his new book “Congestive Heart Failure Recovery”. In it he provides a detailed presentation of the latest research data for preventing and treating heart failure.

Heart muscle cells are able to shut down and hibernate for extended periods of time. This allows them to easily survive on the small amount of oxygen that leaks past a coronary artery obstruction until it is removed. Unfortunately afterwards they are usually in a stunted condition that requires very high blood plasma levels of the the proper nutrients to allow them to regain normal function. This book will explain how to provide them with that nutrient rich environment that will return them to normal contractile function.

Reynolds is a 66 year old research biologist and lifelong body builder. This is the story of how congestive heart failure turned him into an invalid who could not walk more than twenty feet without gasping for breath and how he completely recovered from that condition in 6 months. An exhaustive list of the common supplements that took him from not being able to walk up a flight of stairs to running up them two steps at a time one week latter is included. This would be enough of a miracle by itself even if he were not currently living at 7,500 feet in the high sierras of southern Peru where there is 17 percent less oxygen per breath.

If you have congestive heart failure or know someone who does, the information in this book will be of great help. Granted Ray was in excellent physical condition prior to the heart attack and subsequent congestive heart failure but the research shows that nearly everyone, even people in their 70s who are bed ridden from heart failure show exponential improvement using this simple treatment protocol that a few knowledgeable cardiologists have used for the last 30 years.

If you or someone you know is currently suffering from heart failure this book will provide you with the latest research data that you will need to help treat it.

get your copy today

Samuel Davis – Editor, Plowboy Publications





Tags: CHF, Heart Failure, Congestive Heart Failure, Heart Disease, Heart Disease treatment,

Heart Disease prevention, Heart Disease cure, Coronary Heart Disease, Heart Attack

Heart Attack prevention, Heart Attack recovery, Heart health, heart diet, high blood pressure

Blood pressure control