The goal of this video is to explain the various symptoms and the possible causes, of pelvic and abdominal pain, and assist men, women and children of whom suffer from pelvic, abdominal and back pain, through gentle massages and stretches, that allow you to follow along in real time. The video also offers easy to follow internal manual therapy techniques for men and women, as well as a demonstration of how to use dilators. As well, there is an explanation of what abdomino-pelvic pain syndromes and pelvic floor dysfunction are from a musculoskeletal perspective. www.healingpelvicandabdominalpain.com; www.beyondbasicsphysicalthearpy.com; www.healpelvicpain.com
- www.healingpelvicandabdominalpain.com; www.beyondbasicsphysicalthearpy.com About this video: **over 2 hours in length **follows the Beyond Basics Physical Therapy Home Program, for Men, Women and Children **Relieves with Pelvic and Abdominal Pain, including: IC/PBS, IBS, Vulvodynia, Endometriosis, Non-bacterial Prostatitis, Unexplained Back, Pelvic, Tailbone, Abdominal, Bladder, Bowel, Genital and Sexual Pain and Dysfunction.
- Available for Digital Download at the following link: https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Pelvic-Abdominal-Pain-Stein/dp/B0731KZ6L3/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1506021416&sr=8-3&keywords=healing+pelvic+and+abdominal+pain
- 2+ hours of material Including: Pelvic Pain Explained for Women, Men and Children, including: • Signs, Symptoms and Causes • Effect on Bladder, Bowel and Sexual Dysfunction
- • Indications, Anatomy, Positioning, How Often and Monitoring • Diaphragmatic Breathing and Relaxing the Pelvic Floor • Massage Techniques in Lying, Seated and Standing: External: Colon Massage, Back, Abdomen, Lower Body and Pelvic Floor • Internal: Vaginal, Rectal and Dilators • Stretching: Lying and Standing • Bonus Material: Self-Care and Behavioral Modifications
- The Beyond Basic’s treatment program consists of a multimodal and a multidisciplinary approach to each patient’s entire well-being. All Beyond Basics physical therapists hold a master’s and/or doctorate degree in physical therapy with specialized training in pelvic floor dysfunction, women’s health care, and orthopedic injuries. In addition, all physical therapists have extensive training in manual therapy for men, women, and children.