
By | August 9, 2018

Review of history is a summary of design experience and knowledge. They are the foundation stone of the building, are designer brewing the best reference for a new program, which is a lighthouse in the sea of ​​leather design. Although these beacon has on our voyage, but they then in our front guide our voyage. Because of, our work, it is a time of sailing around the world, we will start from the east to the west, then go back to the beginning of the end, we will start by sailing west, after a lap around the earth, returning to the starting point.

In different time by different designers” living” design, will be different time, different designers slowly forgotten in the corner of time, or being submerged in billowing in the wind in history.

Display hardware change relations and characteristics of the law, it is to make more people, from the point of view more, wider range, around a center for creative, full of fresh effect of furniture hardware accessories designed to provide effective thinking method. Because we work world without end, our design is not an essay solicitation activities, our work is never stop date. We have to discuss their shape, performance, analyses their different ideas, because they show the thought never out of date. Recognize situation, unite a thought condition, will design a hundred times more than now, thousands of times the best hardware accessories.

Hardware into the production of machine parts or components, and a number of hardware products, it can be used alone, can also be done to assist appliance. For example, hardware tools, metal parts, daily hardware, architectural hardware and security supplies. Hardware products are not the final consumer goods, but as manufacturing industry supporting products. Semi-finished products and production process of the tool and so on. Only a small part of household hardware products (accessories) is the people lives the necessary tools for consumer goods.

God created the world’s most beautiful, the best, the most intelligent human being, God created all sorts of strange things of the plants and animals at all times and in all countries, the colored race has created numerous miracles in different poses and with different expressions and fashionable, sophisticated technology, greatly small project. Their structures, their organization have their rigorous scientific and important significance of the times, from them are reflected in numerous beauty, from them can find lots of inspiration. We can from the parts shape, performance, process characteristics, advantages and disadvantages to find a breakthrough, from” the ruins of the history” for breach, even the entire universe from nature to find a breakthrough..

The key question is, whether we lazy, whether we have neither learning nor skill, whether we speculate, we are false, if we stay, we will be big with pride, if we are honest with colleagues to get along, to communicate with people, we are aware of the limited life, cause the infinite? Designer from height, size, beauty and ugliness, as long as you work hard up, can do some thin previously unreleased, as long as the heart hard, can design and manufacture of countless as the acme of perfection of furniture hardware accessories. Thankfully, we human mind has the inexhaustible wisdom, just move your head, you can come up with many good ideas, make countless consummation thorough plan, planning a grand activity, brewing, ever-victorious invincible strategy.

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