HairConfirm Business is the ideal drug testing solution for employers interested in testing multiple employees and who want a fast and accurate hair drug test that is easy to perform and is cheat proof. The HairConfirm Business drug test kit is an onsite hair drug testing solution that will provide training to one of your personnel to conduct tests from the office, without the need to drive all the way to a facility. This kit tests drug usage by analyzing a hair sample, which allows for a full 90 day drug history report that includes the drug user type and quantities present in hair.
Chain of custody papers are also provided, along with a Medical Review Officer (MRO) report if results come back positive for an individual. Results are available within 2 business days upon receipt of the sample by the lab, and are 100 percent secure and confidential. Our laboratory is accredited by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) and all tests are supervised, reviewed and approved by Ph.D. staff scientists; our laboratory staff has experience with over 1.5 million hair tests.
Positive results are confirmed via a GC/MS method, which analyzes and reports back the levels of drugs consumed over a 90 day period (excluding marijuana/THC). There is no chance of adulteration as hair samples cannot be affected by external contaminants like shampoo, hair dye or bleach. Hair testing is ideal for detecting drug use over a longer period of time compared to more traditional forms of drug testing (such as urine testing). A 1.5 inch section of hair can provide a historic 3 month profile of drug use or abstinence. In the case of a urine test, most drugs are undetectable if the test is conducted more than 2 to 3 days after use, with the exception of marijuana (THC). This kit screens for a 90-day drug use history of Marijuana (THC), Cocaine (COC), Opiates (OPI), Amphetamine (AMP), Methamphetamine (mAMP), Ecstasy (MDMA) and Phencyclidine (PCP).
- Screens for a 90-Day Drug Use History of 7 Illegal Drugs: THC, COC, OPI, AMP, mAMP, MDMA and PCP
- The Business Test Kit Allows Onsite Hair Sampling By Enabling Personnel to Be Trained as a Collector
- 99.9 Percent Accuracy Rate if Properly Sampled and Shipped – Includes Prepaid 1st Class Mailer
- Trackable Process with Fast Results Within 2 Business Days After Receipt of Sample
- Uses GC/MS Confirmation at a CLIA-Accredited, CAP-Accredited and ISO-Certified Lab