Get Huge Arms at Home Using a Resistance Band

By | June 12, 2020

While the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has halted the cadence of everyday life for just about everyone, the world is now beginning to adjust. We’re all handling the challenges of social distancing and self-isolation differently—but that doesn’t mean that we have to go it completely alone in every sense.

At Men’s Health, we’re using this period as an opportunity to build up our community and share as much useful, positive information as possible. For everyone stuck missing their typical workout routines with gyms and fitness centers closed down, we’ve done our best to provide as many at-home workout options as possible. But that’s just the start. We’re also hosting live workout sessions on Instagram with some of our favorite trainers to fill the fitness class-shaped void in your daily routine.

Men’s Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., creator of the New Rules of Muscle program on All Out Studio, hosted the most recent session. This big arms workout uses three supersets to pack in a ton of work into a little time—once you’re warmed up, the routine is finished quickly.

All you need for the routine is a raised platform you can use for your hands, some room to work, and a resistance band. Don’t have one handy? Check out this set from WODFitters.

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Ebenezer Samuel’s Home Resistance Band Arm Workout


Cat Cow with T-Spine rotation – 1 minute

3-way Superman holds – 1 minute


Superset 1 – 3 sets

Banded Kneeling Biceps Curls – 10-second halfway paused iso hold to 30 seconds of reps

Two-step Close-grip Pushups – 40 seconds

Superset 2 – 3 sets

Elevated Skullcrusher Double-explodes – 40 seconds

Half-iso Hammer Curls – 40 seconds

Superset 3 – 2 sets

Kneeling Half-iso Kickback – 40 seconds

Pike-position Preacher Curl – 40 seconds

Abs Finisher – 2 sets

Hollow Hold Countdown series

Stay up to date with our workouts every single weekday at 12 p.m. ET. Want to keep up with the sessions you’ve missed? Check out the whole collection here.

Men’s Health


Want some more workouts from Samuel? Check out his New Rules of Muscle program on All Out Studio.

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