Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

By | December 29, 2016

Erectile dysfunction is once called impotence. When a man can’t get a firm erection or have the inability to obtain erection and perform satisfactorily during sex. Erectile dysfunction can happen at any stage or age, but more often it is common and usually associated to men sixty five years and over.

Erectile dysfunction remedies include natural herbal supplements which are loaded with organic components and can be an effective substitute in remedying health problems that include erectile dysfunction.

Causes of ED

Erection requires a sequence of events. Erectile dysfunction can occur when any of the events is disturbed. Nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column, around the penis and response in muscles, fibrous tissues, veins, and arteries in and around the corpora cavernosa constitute this sequence of events.

Injury to any of these parts which are part of this sequence (nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, fibrous tissue) can cause ED.

There are three oral medications approved for the treatment of erectile dysfunction: sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra), and tadalafil (Cialis). All three medications belong to a class of drugs called phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors.

They block the enzyme phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) and this helps maintain the levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (GMP), a chemical produced in the penis during sexual arousal.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction:

2-Kidney disease
5-Cardiovascular (angina and myocardial infarction)
6-Neurological disorders

Free erectile dysfunction drugs are offered by some clinics, companies and even concerned organizations. Online, there are also free erectile dysfunction drugs that claim to help solve the issue of impotence. The three erectile dysfunction drugs out in the American market are Viagra, Levitra and Cialis.

Erectile dysfunction is a condition where a male is unable to achieve an erection or sustain an erection to perform sexual activity. An erection is achieved when the brain sends a chemical signal to the penile muscles causing it to relax. It starts with sexual stimulation that can either be in tactile or mental form.

A chemical called nitric oxide released in the nerves is responsible causing the penile muscles to relax and allow rapid blood flow.

Amazingly, in the treatment of erectile function, various forms of folk remedies have been purported, in broad scale, since the nineteen thirties, which, of course, substantiates affected men’s source in a remedy by herbal treatments for ED.

Causes of erectile dysfunction are varied. They can be caused by stress, wrong lifestyle, medical (and even economical) condition. Though treatments abound, it is also prudent to have some knowledge on the best supplements for erectile dysfunction.

Unlike these pills and erectile dysfunction vitamins, the combination of exercises and home remedies for erectile dysfunction helps you get rid of the problem in the most natural and healthy way possible.

This makes it very hard to cure erectile dysfunction. That is why if you think you have this problem, talk it out with your partner and ask for an expert’s help before you decide to do anything.

Some medicines can cause erectile dysfunction. If this is true for you, your doctor may take you off that medicine or give you a different one.

Signs and symptoms:

Erectile dysfunction is characterized by the inability to maintain erection. Normal erections during sleep and in the early morning suggest a psychogenic cause, while loss of these erections may signify underlying disease, often cardiovascular in origin.

Other things leading to erectile dysfunction are diabetes mellitus (causing neuropathy) or hypogonadism (decreased testosterone levels due to disease affecting the testicles or the pituitary gland).

It is imperative to understand that not all erectile dysfunction problems stem from psychological issues. There may be an underlying medical cause in patients with erectile dysfunction. For example, a man married a woman and later they found out that he is suffering from erectile dysfunction.