Eliminating Allergies In Your Dogs And Cats

By | April 6, 2017

Copyright (c) 2012 Dr. Deva Khalsa

Allergies in your dogs and cats can be elimanated and it’s not really difficult at all. The first step is understanding that the typical response that pet owners have to handle their dogs allergies causes the problem to continue endlessly. The next thing to learn is how allergies really work. What changes in your pet’s body to cause him to have allergies? The last step is learning that allergies can be completely eliminated so you now have a pet that does not have allergies. That part is not really difficult at all. So let’s start learing about it all.

The typical scenario the owner of an allergic dog follows is the path of avoidance. Ingredient labels are carefully read in order to circumvent foods they’ve found their dog to be allergic do. It’s a lifetime job. The problem is compounded by the fact that, typically, the allergic dog will subsequently become allergic to substances in the special food that he eats day after day. The dog that was never allergic to lamb will become so because of the repeated exposure. Dog owners run through a veritable petting zoo of foods such as lamb, buffalo, kangaroo, duck and venison to name just a few.

Between you and me, it simply doesn’t have to be that way. If you’ve been running this gamut for years, it may be hard to conceive that Allergy Elimination techniques exist that do away with your ‘food eluding expeditions’ by making the allergic dog into a dog with no allergies. It may seem too good to be true that you can turn these chronic problems around, but in the hands of a competent veterinary practitioner it ‘s quite probable. So let’s find out how that is.

Whatever the reason – karma, kismet or serendipity – the manner in which this very workable technique was discovered was indeed fortuitous. Dr. Devi Nambudripad was very ill with allergies all her life. I wouldn’t be exaggerating much to say she was allergic to almost everything under the sun. She lived exclusively on polished white rice and broccoli. One day she decided to ‘take a walk on the wild side’ and have a carrot. She started to pass out so she gave herself an acupuncture treatment to keep herself from going into shock and simply fell asleep. She felt a supreme feeling of well being when she awoke 45 minutes later. She researched her experience and found that when you hold an allergenic substance within your body’s electromagnetic field while receiving a treatment for the adverse allergic reaction the system somehow self corrects. Dr. Devi found that that the body corrects itself simply by recognizing the electromagnetic signature of an item while being encouraged, by stimulation of acupuncture points, to start the process of healing, repairing, correcting and harmonizing. From here, history was made. Both people and pets could be helped with their allergies.

I introduced this topic at the 1998 American Holistic Veterinary Medical Annual Conference when it was unknown to the holistic veterinary field. I felt it was needed in the field. Here’s the long and short of it. When we enter the realm of energetic holistic medicine we leave the field of biology and enter the field of physics. Every day, new research in physics challenges old beliefs about how the body works and heals. Even though the Chinese recognized energy pathways, called acupuncture meridians, over 6000 years ago it’s taken the advent of new scientific methodology to recognize how changes in the energy fields affect and determine health. The Autonomic Nervous System has an integral role in recognizing what the body’s computer has deemed an enemy. It then calls into action the various components of the immune system to defend the body against the ‘enemy’.

Allergies in pets occur because what should be considered ‘friends of the body’ become logged in as enemies. Consider the young child who has a severe reaction to peanuts. All of his friend eat peanut candies or a peanut butter sandwich without any ill effects. That’s because the ‘computer log’ of his friends’ immune systems haven’t logged in the peanut as an enemy. The problem’s not in the peanut itself, but the way the peanut is registered in the system. We’re having more allergies in our pets nowadays because there are simply more ways to confuse the systems and increase the items that are logged in as enemies. Nature never designed these systems to be exposed to so many vaccinations, chemicals and pesticides on a routine basis.

Allergy Elimination techniques such as NAET (Nanbudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique) correct the Autonomic Nervous System’s perception of the allergic substance so it is no longer perceived as a threat. It all happens within the realm of physics on an energetic level and translates into physical healing. The NAET practitioner has the energetic resonance of each allergen in a vial. Applied Kinesiology is utilized to determine your pet’s reaction to the resonance of that allergen. Once an allergen, such as chicken or eggs is recognized the vial is placed directly on your dog and specific acupuncture points on the body are lightly stimulated. This readjusts the Autonomic Nervous Systems’ perception of the substance and the allergic reaction to it is eliminated. It may be amazing to learn that something so simple can work so well but the proof is in the pet owner’s stories.

Nellie’s allergies began when she was just a little over a year old. Her owners took her right to the veterinarian. The typical regime of steroids and antibiotics helped only when Nellie was on the drugs. When her mom tried to cut back on the medications, her itching and scratching returned with a vengeance. After a year, her mom took her to a second veterinarian, then a specialist in dermatology and finally to a veterinary school. Over the next two years, this lovely Golden Retriever received various tests for allergies and went through several series of allergy shots – all to no avail. When I saw Nellie in my practice, her paws and neck had no fur only black skin with inflamed bright-red areas. She also had had oozing sores on her body, an ear infection and she scratched all day and night. This sweet dog had been suffering for years. Her worried owners were disillusioned and desperate. They had stopped at nothing for their dear baby and were now at my doorstep. I allergy tested Nellie using the NAET method and designed a diet that would suit her until we could eliminate her allergies. We then used this allergy elimination technique to reprogram her system so she would become free of the allergies to the identified foods and environmental items. She began to improve after the first visit. As Nellie herself (via her mom) said, ” As the treatments progressed, I scratched less and less, the fur grew back under my neck and on my paws, and my skin returned to normal. After a few months, I stopped scratching altogether. My coat is now soft and bright, and I feel like a brand new dog!”

In my practice, the first step is identifying what substances the patient is allergic to. In the first comprehensive assessment approximately 500 vials specifically designed for this purpose are checked using Applied Kinesiology. I decide the order of treatment of the allergens and create a program for the patient. The vials are mailed to their home with clear instructions for the pet owners on how too gently massage easy to find acupuncture points and complete the treatment on their dog or cat. Most veterinarians do the procedure in their office with you and your pet returns for routine visits every week or so until the problem is resolved. You can find a veterinarian in your area who does NAET by logging into the AHVMA (American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association) website and checking for those in your area who have noted NAET as a technique they do. If you have trouble finding a local veterinarian, you can contact me for more information or a referral.

Allergies trouble so many animals. They can surface as skin problems, ear infections, chronic diarrhea (IBD), vomiting, picky appetite and asthma. These problems often become chronic lifetime problems and need continual veterinary oversight and medication. Whether these allergies are the mildest or the most extreme, they have a drastic impact on our animals’ comfort and happiness. NAET and Allergy Elimination treatments that have since stemmed from this original therapy don’t just relieve the symptoms but remove the source of this torment. These treatments have helped many pet owners and their best friends live happier fuller lives.

Dr. Deva Khalsa has been a holisitc veterinarian for over 30 years. She authored the best selling book Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog in which an entire chapter is devoted to curing allergies. Her website has lots of information about allergies and nutrition