Causes of Back Pain relating to Postural problems

By | May 7, 2017

The spine is one of the most crucial parts of the human anatomy. It is responsible for all of our mobility because it houses the central nervous system. It is incredibly strong and very flexible. However, it can create many problems if subjected to repeated stress and tension. Due to its importance, it should be our utmost priority to ensure that we treat our backs with care. Our daily lives are driven by the need to move from one place to another, climbing stairs, running in parks and even working out in gyms. In light of the amount of movement we are carrying out, it is essential to make sure we go about these activities in a way which does not harm our bodies.

Many people are driven by the need to look good all the time. They want to enhance their beauty by the clothes they wear, makeup they put on and even the shoes they wear. This is one of the contributing factors to causing back pain in women. Ladies like to wear high heeled shoes in order to look sophisticated however more often than not; it ends up necessitating a visit to a back pain therapist. This is because high heeled shoes cause the heel to rise above the level of toes and this puts strain on the lower back because this is not the natural arrangement of our bodies. The footwear should be comfortable with a soft cushioned heel and sole to absorb the shock of each step. Well-fitting sneakers / trainers, flip flops and sandals such as MBT’s are ideal choices because they encourage good posture and help to prevent back problems. These simple changes can save a lot of money by reducing the need to visit a back pain therapist.

Another major reason for back pain is poor posture while sitting. Office workers often suffer because they spend a great deal of time sitting hunched over their desks as they go about their work. This immobilizes the muscles and can lead to lower back pain. It is therefore necessary to take regular breaks and stretch and mobilize the body. A competent back pain therapist will tell you that the ideal sitting posture is with the back straight and well supported by a correct chair, with thelegs hip distance apart and the computer screen directly in front of you and at eye level. Remember also not to force your body into a straight position because this too puts strain on the back. Some of the things to avoid while sitting are: slouching, drooping the neck to one side and tucking your legs under your chair. It is also advisable to have a proper back support on the chair and if necessary a foot support. If using a laptop, a support to elevate the laptop screen will prevent neck pain, stiffness and muscle spasm.

Students are also very susceptible to back pain due to carrying heavy backpacks. Backpacks put a lot of strain on the back particularly if they are carried on one shoulder which causes an unnatural bend to the side. Generally, the body leans towards the opposite direction to compensate for the weight and this misaligns the spine. Make sure that we have our back pain relief through pain relief exercises you carry only as much weight as you absolutely need to. Ensure that your backpack is balanced and not too low down on your back and adjust the straps to a comfortable and stable position.

Other major contributing factors to neck and lower back pain is repetitively carrying out day-to-day activities (such as lifting, cooking, sitting at a computer, standing, walking, reaching) in an incorrect manner which severely affects long term posture. Without the tools to carry out these tasks correctly, you are likely to have repeated episodes of acute pain and will need to visita back pain exercises to obtain relief. This cycle will continue indefinitely until your realize that you need to take control of your own body.You might find it useful to contact Building Better Backs & Bodies (B4)whosemethods can teach you how to control, alleviate, manage and ultimately prevent back and neck pain yourself! B4 offer a FREE telephone consultation to discuss your problems with no obligation.

back pain exercises to obtain relief. This cycle will continue indefinitely until your realize that you need to take control of your own body.You might find it useful to contact Building Better Backs & Bodies (B4)whosemethods can teach you how to control, alleviate, manage and ultimately prevent back and neck pain yourself! B4 offer a FREE telephone consultation to discuss your problems with no obligation.