Author Archives: Health

Belly fat under abs

It can also build up in the arteries. Belly fat can also be subcutaneous fat, stored just under the skin. Subcutaneous fat, the type of fat also found in the arms and legs, is easier to see. However, these are expensive and time-consuming procedures. Instead, medical providers will typically use general guidelines to evaluate your… Read More »

‘The joys of walking’: Pro-pedestrian groups hope increase in strolling will last beyond pandemic

Pro-walking groups are encouraged that people have embraced strolling as a way to get out of the house while social distancing and hope that some of the changes along city streets will prove to be permanent. Apple’s Mobility Trends shows that the number of people walking has risen since the initial shutdown from the pandemic… Read More »

World No Tobacco Day 2020 Date And Theme: Know The Significance of the Day That Encourages People to Quit Smoking

World No-Tobacco Day 2020 (Photo Credits: File Image) There are nearly 1.337 billion tobacco users in the world which poses a serious health risk to them. In India, there are almost 267 million tobacco users which is the leading cause of death due to non-communicable diseases. With an aim to attract the attention of the… Read More »